Lavallée Emmanuelle - CV


Lavallée Emmanuelle

Associate Professor

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Phone : 01 44 05 48 84

Office : P110


Emmanuelle Lavallée's research activities are organized around two main axes: on the one hand, international trade and, on the other hand, local public institutions and goods in developing countries. On this last point, she is particularly interested in the West African countries for which she is involved in numerous research and capacity building projects. She has developed a solid expertise in the instruments of measurement of corruption and governance as well as an advanced knowledge of the analysis of micro or macro economic data, the construction of models and their estimation.



Bertelli O., Lavallée E., Calvo T., Mercier M., Coulibaly M., Mesplé-Somps S., Coulibaly M., Traoré O. (2023), Collecter des données sur des expériences et attitudes sensibles : le cas du Mali, Global Africa, n°4, p. 159-176

Lavallée E., Lochard J. (2022), International trade and face-to-face diplomacy, Review of World Economics, n°158, p. 987-1010

Bertelli O., Mercier M., Mesplé-Somps S., Calvo T., Lavallée E. (2022), Expériences et opinions liées à l’insécurité : une analyse des biais déclaratifs au Mali, Revue d'économie du développement, vol. 31, n°2-3, p. 169-175

Bertelli O., Calvo T., Lavallée E., Mercier M., Mesplé-Somps S. (2020), Measurement and observation of gender-based violence and conflict-related violence in developing countries, Dialogue, n°57, p. 8

Calvo T., Lavallée E., Razafindrakoto M., Roubaud F. (2020), Fear Not For Man? Armed conflict and social capital in Mali, Journal of Comparative Economics, vol. 48, n°2, p. 251-276

Lavallée E., Roubaud F., Razafindrakoto M., Calvo T. (2020), Au Mali, une cohésion sociale minée par les conflits, The Conversation, vol. 10, p. art. 132918 [6 ]

Lavallée E., Lochard J. (2019), The Empire strikes back? French-African trade after independance, Review of International Economics, vol. 27, n°1, p. 390-412

Lavallée E., Roubaud F. (2019), Corruption in the Informal Sector: Evidence from West Africa, The Journal of Development Studies, vol. 55, n°6, p. 1067-1080

Chauvet L., Lavallée E., Mesplé-Somps S., Saint Macary C. (2018), Third DIAL Conference on Barriers to Development, The Journal of Development Studies, vol. 55, n°5, p. 859-860

Lavallée E., Lochard J. (2015), The Comparative Effects of Independence on Trade, Journal of Comparative Economics, vol. 43, n°3, p. 613-632

Lavallée E. (2015), Stéphane B. Enguéléguélé. États, corruption et blanchiment. Sénégal-Cameroun., Afrique contemporaine, vol. 4, n°256, p. 161-163

Lavallée E., Vicard V. (2013), National borders matter...where one draws the lines too, Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 46, n°1, p. 135-153

Lavallée E., Razafindrakoto M., Roubaud F. (2010), Ce qui engendre la corruption : une analyse microéconomique sur données africaines, Revue d'économie du développement, vol. 24, n°3, p. 5-47

Lavallée E., Olivier A., Pasquier-Doumer L., Robilliard A-S. (2009), Cibler les politiques de lutte contre la pauvreté dans les pays en développement ? Un bilan des expériences, Revue d'économie du développement, vol. 17, n°3, p. 5-50

Duc C., Lavallée E., Siroën J-M. (2008), The gravity of institutions, Economie internationale, vol. 113, n°1, p. 95-113

Lavallée E. (2007), Corruption, concurrence et développement : une analyse économétrique à l’échelle des entreprises, European Journal of Development Research, vol. 19, n°2, p. 274-304

Lavallée E. (2006), Similarité institutionnelle, qualité des institutions et commerce international, Economie internationale, vol. 4, n°108, p. 27-58

Lavallée E. (2006), Corruption et confiance dans les institutions politiques : test des théories fonctionnalistes dans les démocraties africaines, Afrique contemporaine, vol. 4, n°220, p. 163-190

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Lavallée E., Roubaud F. (2015), Does Corruption Matter for Informal Sector Economic Performance? Microdata Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa, in Roubaud, François, The informal economy in developing countries, Londres: Taylor & Francis, p. 334

Lavallée E. (2008), Corruption and Institutional Trust in Sub-Saharan Africa, in , Global Corruption Report 2008: Corruption in the Water Sector, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 367

Duc C., Granger C., Lavallée E., Siroën J-M. (2007), Démocratie et corruption dans le commerce : le paradoxe européen, in Krifa-Schneider, Hadjila, L'élargissement de l'Union Européenne : quels enjeux et défis majeurs ? Élargissement de l'UE, gouvernance et questions régionales, Paris: L'Harmattan, p. 489

Communications avec actes

Lavallée E., Roubaud F. (2012), La corruption influence t-elle les performances économiques du secteur informel en Afrique de l'Ouest ?, in Cling Jean-Pierre, Lagrée Stéphane, Razafindrakoto Mireille , Roubaud François, L’économie informelle dans les pays en développement, Paris, Agence Française de Développement, 145-164 p.

Lavallée E., Roubaud F. (2009), Corruption and the informal sector in Sub-Saharan Africa, in , Global Corruption Report 2009. Corruption and the Private Sector, Nanterre, Cambridge University Press, 462 p.

Communications sans actes

Lavallée E. (2022), Army arrangement? Armed conflict and people’ attitudes toward democracy in Mali, International Conference on Development Economics, Clermont-Ferrand, France

Lavallée E. (2022), Army arrangement? Armed conflict and people’ attitudes toward democracy in Mali, European Public Choice Society, Braga, Portugal

Lavallée E., Roubaud F. (2018), Fear not for man? Armed conflict and social capital in Mali, GDRI IDE (International Development Economics) Conference, Clermont-Ferrand, France

Lavallée E., Lochard J. (2017), Diplomacy for Sale? The Impact of Bilateral Visits in International Trade, 4th DIAL Development Conference, Paris, France

Lavallée E. (2016), French Neo-Colonialism? Franco-African Trade After Independence, GDRI IDE (International Development Economics) Conference, Clermont-Ferrand, France

Lavallée E., Lochard J. (2016), French Neo-Colonialism? French-African trade after independence, VI Annual Meeting of the African Economic History Network (AEHN), Brighton, Royaume-Uni

Lochard J., Lavallée E. (2016), Diplomacy for sale? The impact of bilateral visits on international trade, Seventeenth Annual Conference ETSG, Helsinki, Finlande

Lavallée E., Lochard J. (2016), French neo-colonialism? French-African trade after independence, Seventeenth Annual Conference ETSG, Helsinki, Finlande

Lavallée E., Lochard J. (2015), French neo-colonialism? French-African trade after independence, DIAL Development Conference, Paris, France

Lavallée E., Lochard J. (2015), French neo-colonialism? France-African trade after independence, Conference on International Economics, San Sebastian, Espagne

Lavallée E., Lochard J. (2012), Independence and trade: new evidence from French colonial trade data, ETSG 2012 Fourteenth Annual Conference, Leuven, Belgique

Lavallée E., Lochard J. (2012), Independence and trade: the specic effects of French colonialism, 61ème Congrès de l'AFSE, Paris, France

Lavallée E., Razafindrakoto M., Roubaud F. (2008), Corruption and trust in political institutions in sub-Saharan Africa, CSAE Conference 2008 - Economic Development in Africa, Oxford, Royaume-Uni

Duc C., Lavallée E. (2006), Do Euro-Med agreements improve democracy and the quality of institutions in EU partner countries ?, Bridging the gap : the role of trade and FDI in the Mediterranean, Naples, Italie

Duc C., Lavallée E., Siroën J-M. (2005), Does "deep integration" foster trade? Empirical evidence and simulations for the EU democratic and anti-corruption criteria, Journées de l'AFSE : "Economie du développement et de la transition", Clermont-Ferrand, France

Lavallée E. (2005), Governance, Corruption and Trade : A North-South Approach., Journées de l'AFSE : "Economie du développement et de la transition", Clermont-Ferrand, France

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Bertelli O., Calvo T., Lavallée E., Mercier M., Mesplé-Somps S. (2023), Measuring insecurity-related experiences and preferences in a fragile State. A list experiment in Mali., DIAL Documents de travail, 43 p.

Calvo T., Lavallée E., Razafindrakoto M., Roubaud F. (2019), Fear Not For Man? Armed conflict and social capital in Mali, DIAL Documents de travail, 42 p.

Lavallée E., Roubaud F. (2018), Corruption in the informal sector: evidence from West Africa, DIAL Documents de travail, 22 p.

Lavallée E., Olivier A., Pasquier-Doumer L., Robilliard A-S. (2010), Poverty alleviation policy targeting: a review of experiences in developing countries, Paris, DIAL Documents de travail, 29 p.

Kuépié M., Lavallée E., Sougane A. (2008), Multiples dimensions de la pauvreté, gouvernance et démocratie : le point de vue de la population malienne Enquête ELIM2006, Premiers résultats, Paris, DIAL (Développement, Institutions & Analyses de Long terme) Document de travail, 47 p.

Lavallée E., Razafindrakoto M., Roubaud F. (2008), Les mécanismes à l’origine de la corruption : une analyse sur micro-données africaines, Paris, DIAL Documents de travail, 29 p.

Duc C., Lavallée E. (2004), Les bases de données sur la gouvernance, Paris, Cahiers de recherche EURISCO, 37 p.

Lavallée E. (2002), Corruption et ouverture commerciale, Paris, Cahiers de recherche EURISCO, 25 p.

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