Menéndez Marta - CV


Menéndez Marta

Associate Professor

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Marta Menéndez is Associate Professor of Economics at PSL-Dauphine University and Associate Researcher at DIAL, Joint Research Unit from Dauphine University in Paris and the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development. Professor Menéndez's research focuses on economic development, poverty and inequality measurement, and the analysis of social policies in developing countries, with a particular interest, though not exclusive, in Latin America. Her work has been published by the Journal of Development Economics, World Development, the Review of Income and Wealth, among others. She received her PhD degree in Economics from the Paris School of Economics in France and her Master of Arts in Quantitative Economics from the Université Catholique de Louvain in Belgium.



Castilho M., Menéndez M., Sztulman A. (2019), Poverty changes in Manaus: Legacy of a Brazilian free trade zone?, Review of Development Economics, vol. 23, n°1, p. 102-130

Gignoux J., Menéndez M. (2016), Benefit in the wake of disaster: Long-run effects of earthquakes on welfare in rural Indonesia, Journal of Development Economics, vol. 118, p. 26-44

Menéndez M., Siroën J-M., Sztulman A. (2015), Les zones franches, modèle de développement ?, Dialogue, n°41, p. 2-12

Menéndez M., Bourguignon F., Ferreira F. (2013), Inequality of Opportunity in Brazil: A Corrigendum, The Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 59, n°3, p. 551-555

Menéndez M., Sztulman A., Castilho M. (2012), Trade Liberalization, Inequality and Poverty in Brazilian States, World Development, vol. 40, n°4, p. 821-835

Menéndez M., Suwa-Einsenmann A., Bourdieu J., Postel-Vinay G. (2008), Where have (almost) all the wealthy gone ? Spatial decomposition of wealth trends in France, 1820-1939, Revue d'études en agriculture et environnement, vol. 87, n°2, p. 5-25

Menéndez M., Albornoz F. (2007), Income Dynamics in Argentina During the 1990’s : "Mobiles" Do Change with type of Macroeconomic Shock, Económica, vol. LIII, n°1-2, p. 21-52

Menéndez M., Bourguignon F., Ferreira F. (2007), Inequality of Opportunity in Brazil, The Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 53, n°4, p. 585-618

Menéndez M., Fields G., Freije S., Newhouse D., Cichello P. (2003), Household income dynamics : a four-country story, The Journal of Development Studies, vol. 40, n°2, p. 30-54

Fields G., Freije S., Newhouse D., Cichello P., Menéndez M. (2003), For Richer or for Poorer ? Evidence from Indonesia, South Africa, Spain, and Venezuela, The Journal of Economic Inequality, vol. 1, n°1, p. 67-99

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Jusot F., Menéndez M. (2018), Social capital and health inequalities in developing countries: a case study for Indonesia, in Folland, Sherman; Nauenberg, Eric, Elgar Companion to Social Capital and Health, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, p. 257-275

Fall M., Menéndez M. (2008), L’apport des analyses longitudinales dans la connaissance des phénomènes de pauvreté et exclusion sociale, in Observatoire national de la pauvreté et de l'exclusion sociale (France), Les travaux de L'Observatoire national de la pauvreté et l'exclusion sociale 2007-2008, Paris: La Documentation française, p. 630

Fields G., Cichello P., Menéndez M., Newhouse D., Freije S. (2003), Escaping from Poverty : New Evidence on Household Income Dynamics, in Pfeffermann, Guy Pierre, Pathways out of poverty : private firms and economic mobility in developing countries, Boston: Springer, p. 297

Communications sans actes

Menéndez M., Gignoux J. (2014), Short and Long Run Effects of Earthquakes on Farm Businesses in Indonesia, EAAE 2014 Congress : "Agri-Food and Rural Innovations for Healthier Societies", Ljubljana, SlovÉnie

Gignoux J., Menéndez M. (2012), Critical periods and the long-run effects of income shocks on education: evidence from Indonesia, 26th Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics, Bern, Suisse

Menéndez M., Sztulman A., Castilho M. (2009), Trade Liberalization, Inequality and Poverty in Brazilian States, Premier Colloque bi-annuel du GDRI DREEM : " Inégalités et développement dans les pays méditerranéens", Istanbul, Turquie

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Castilho M., Menéndez M., Sztulman A. (2016), Poverty Dynamics in Manaus: Legacy of a Free Trade Zone?, Paris, NOPOOR Working Paper, 33 p.

Jusot F., Mage-Bertomeu S., Menéndez M. (2014), Inequality of Opportunity in Health in Indonesia, Paris, DIAL Documents de travail, 35 p.


Menéndez M., Sztulman A. (2017), The free trade zone of Manaus: a model for development ?, Université Paris-Dauphine, 6 p.

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