Pinson Suzanne
Professor emeritus
Pinson S. (2022), Métaconnaisance et modèles cognitifs de jugement, Revue d'intelligence artificielle (RIA), vol. 3, n°1-2, p. 95-112
Balbo F., Bhouri N., Pinson S. (2016), Bimodal traffic regulation system: A multi-agent approach, Web Intelligence and Agent Systems, vol. 14, n°2, p. 139-151
Louati A., El Haddad J., Pinson S. (2015), A Multi-Agent Approach for Trust-Based Service Discovery and Selection in Social Networks, Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, vol. 16, n°4, p. 381-401
Balbo F., Pinson S., Saunier J. (2014), A Formal Model of Communication and Context Awareness in Multiagent Systems, Journal of Logic, Language and Information, vol. 23, n°2, p. 219-247
Pinson S., Balbo F., Bhouri N. (2012), An agent-based computational approach for urban traffic regulation, Progress in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 1, n°2, p. 139-147
Aknine S., Pinson S., Caillou P. (2010), Searching Pareto Optimal Solutions for the Problem of Forming and Restructuring Coalitions in Multi-Agent Systems, Group Decision and Negotiation, vol. 19, n°1, p. 7-37
Pinson S., Balbo F. (2010), Using intelligent agents for Transportation Regulation Support System Design, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 18, n°1, p. 140-156
Balbo F., Pinson S. (2010), A Multi-Agent System to regulate Bimodal Urban Traffic, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 18, n°1, p. 140-156
Anane D., Pinson S., Aknine S. (2009), Coordination d’activités dans les chaînes logistiques : une approche multi-agents par formation de coalitions, Ingénierie des systèmes d'information RSTI Série ISI, vol. 14, n°2, p. 113-136
Pinson S., Bellosta M-J., Vanderpooten D., Brigui I., Kornman S. (2007), Système multi-agents pour des enchères multicritères : modèle et expérimentations, Revue d'intelligence artificielle (RIA), vol. 21, n°5-6, p. 703-727
Balbo F., Pinson S. (2007), A Transportation Decision Support System in Agent-Based Environment, Intelligent Decision Technologies, vol. 1, n°003, p. 97-115
Ferrand N., Attonaty J-M., Le Bars M., Pinson S. (2005), An Agent Based Simulation testing the impact of water allocation on collective farmers' behaviours, Simulation, vol. 81, n°3, p. 223-235
Pinson S., Hamel A. (2005), ACKA: une approche d'acquistion cooperative de connaissances pour la construction d'un modèle de simualtion multi-agent, Revue des nouvelles technologies de l'information, n°3, p. 625-636
Pinson S., Balbo F. (2005), Dynamic modeling of a disturbance in a multi-agent system for traffic regulation, Decision Support Systems and Electronic Commerce, vol. 41, n°1, p. 131-146
Pinson S., Shakun M., Aknine S. (2004), A Multi-Agent Coalition Formation Method Based on Preference Models, Group Decision and Negotiation, vol. 13, n°6, p. 513-538
Pinson S., Aknine S., Shakun M. (2004), An Extended Multi-Agent Negotiation Protocol, Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, vol. 8, n°1, p. 5-45
Pinson S., Caillou P., Aknine S. (2003), Méthode Pareto-optimale de formation et de restructuration dynamique de coalitions d’agents, Revue d'intelligence artificielle (RIA), vol. 17, n°4, p. 655-685
Pinson S., Moraïtis P. (1997), An Intelligent Distributed System for Strategic Decision Making, Group Decision and Negotiation, vol. 6, p. 77-108
Shakun M., Pinson S. (1997), Introduction to the Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence and Group Support Systems in Strategic Management, Group Decision and Negotiation, vol. 6, p. 5-6
Shakun M., Pinson S. (1996), Strategic Planning and Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Group Decision and Negotiation, vol. 5, n°6, p. 2-4
Pinson S. (1989), Credit risk assessment and meta-judgment, Theory and Decision, vol. 27, p. 117-133
Chandon J-L., Pinson S. (1981), L'Analyse Typologique : Théories et Applications, Paris: Masson, 254 p.
Chapitres d'ouvrage
Bourgne G., Maudet N., Pinson S. (2013), Hypothesis Refinement: Building Hypotheses in Intelligent Agent System, in Kazumi Nakamatsu et Lakhmi Jain, Handbook on Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems World Publishing Corporation, p. 143-178
Aknine S., Pinson S. (2003), Managing Distributed Parallel Workflow Systems Using a Multi-Agent Method, in Ye, Yiming, Agent Supported Cooperative Work, London: Springer, p. 297
Balbo F., Pinson S., El Fallah Seghrouchni A. (2002), Coordination d’actions par planification multi-agent, in R. Mandiau E. Grislin-Le Strugeon, A. Péninou, Organisations et Applications des Systèmes Multi-Agents, Paris: Hermès, p. 93-108
Pinson S., Moraïtis P., Louça Anacleto J. (1996), A Cooperative Multi-Agent system for Strategic Decision Making, in Nuno J. Mamede ; Carlos Pinto-Ferreira, Applications of Artificial Intelligence: Expert Sytems, Robots and Vision Systems, Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks Scitec Publications, p. 41-55
Pinson S. (1992), A Multi-Expert Architecture for Credit Risk Assessement : the CREDEX System, in D.O'Leary, P.R. Watkins, Expert Systems in Finance and Accounting, Amsterdam: North Holland
Communications avec actes
Brigui-Chtioui I., Caillou P., Pinson S. (2022), Adaptative Strategies for Multicriteria Auctions: an Empirical Study, in Lalit Garg ; Dilip Singh Sisodia ; Nishtha Kesswani ; Joseph G Vella ; Imene Brigui ; Peter Xuereb ; Sanjay Misra ; Deepak Singh, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing, 174-184 p.
Louati A., El Haddad J., Pinson S. (2017), Formation de coalitions pour une composition de services Web fondée sur la confiance dans les réseaux sociaux, in Catherine Garbay, Grégory Bonnet, 25èmes journées francophones sur les systèmes multi-agents (JFSMA 17), Caen, Cépaduès Editions, 149-158 p.
Louati A., El Haddad J., Pinson S. (2015), Trust-Based Coalition Formation for Dynamic Service Composition in Social Networks, in Jianyong Wang, Wojciech Cellary, Dingding Wang, Hua Wang, Shu-Ching Chen, Tao Li, Yanchun Zhang, Web Information System Engineering - WISE 2015 16th International Conference, Miami, FL, USA, November 1-3, 2015, Proceedings, Part I, Springer, 570-585 p.
Louati A., El Haddad J., Pinson S. (2014), A Distributed Decision Making and Propagation Approach for Trust-Based Service Discovery in Social Networks, in Pascale Zaraté, Gregory E. Kersten, Jorge E. Hernández, Group Decision and Negotiation. A Process-Oriented View. Joint INFORMS-GDN and EWG-DSS International Conference, GDN 2014, Toulouse, France, June 10-13, 2014. Proceedings, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer, 262-269 p.
Louati A., El Haddad J., Pinson S. (2014), A Multilevel Agent-Based Approach for Trustworthy Service Selection in Social Networks, in , 2014 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI) and Intelligent Agent Technologies (IAT), IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 214-221 p.
Louati A., El Haddad J., Pinson S. (2014), Une Approche Multi-Agent basée sur la Confiance pour une Découverte Distribuée de Services dans les Réseaux Sociaux, in Jamont, Jean-Paul, Journées francophones sur les systèmes multi-agents., Loriol-sur-Drôme, Cépaduès Editions, 193-202 p.
Louati A., El Haddad J., Pinson S. (2014), Towards Agent-based and Trust-oriented Service Discovery Approach in Social Networks, in Robin Cohen, Rino Falcone, Timothy J. Norman, 17th International Workshop on Trust in Agent Societies co-located with the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Sys- tems (TRUST@AAMAS 2014), Paris, France,, 78-89 p.
Louati A., El Haddad J., Pinson S. (2012), Trust-Based Service Discovery in Multi-relation Social Networks, in Chengfei Liu, Heiko Ludwig, Farouk Toumani, Qi Yu, Service-Oriented Computing.10th International Conference, ICSOC 2012, Shanghai, China, November 12-15, 2012. Proceedings, Shanghai, Springer, 664-671 p.
Pinson S., Balbo F., Bhouri N. (2011), Towards Urban Traffic Regulation Using a Multi-Agent System, in Perez, Javier Bajo, Advances on Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems 9th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems, Salamanque, Springer, 320 p.
Bhouri N., Pinson S., Balbo F. (2011), Collaborative agents for modelling traffic regulation systems, in Suzuki, Einoshin, WI-IAT 2011, Lyon, IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 7-13 p.
Brigui-Chtioui I., Pinson S. (2010), A Variable Bid Increment Algorithm for Reverse English Auction, in Pellizzari, Paolo, Progress in Artificial Economics, Berlin, Springer, 41-51 p.
Badeig F., Balbo F., Pinson S. (2010), A contextual environment approach for multi-agent-based simulation, in Sharp, Bernadette, ICAART 2010 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 2, Valence, INSTICC Press, 212-217 p.
Balbo F., Diday E., Pinson S., Saunier J. (2009), De l’utilisation de l’analyse de données symboliques dans les systèmes multi-agents, in Gançarski, Pierre, Extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC'2009), Actes, Strasbourg, 27 au 30 janvier 2009, Strasbourg, Cépaduès Editions, 139-150 p.
Balbo F., Cazenave T., Pinson S. (2009), Using a monte-carlo approach for bus regulation, in , 12th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2009. ITSC '09. Proceedings, Saint Louis, IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1-6 p.
Pinson S., Anane D., Aknine S. (2008), Coordination of supply chain activities: a coalition-based approach, in Picard, Willy, PRO-VE'08 9th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Entreprises, Poznan, Springer, 639 p.
Balbo F., Pinson S. (2008), An Agent oriented approach to Transportation Regulation Support Systems, in Lin Padgham, David Parkes, 7th international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems (AAMAS 2008), IFAAMAS
Hette G., Bourgne G., Pinson S., Maudet N. (2007), Hypotheses Refinement Under Topological Communication Constraints, in , Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Honolulu, ACM, 994-1001 p.
Badeig F., Balbo F., Pinson S. (2007), Contextual activation for Agent-Based Simulation, in Zelinka, Ivan, Proceedings 21st European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Prague, ECMS Publications
Bourgne G., Maudet N., Pinson S. (2006), Raffinement et propagation d'hypothèses entre agents, in , Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA2006). Proceedings, Annecy, Cépaduès Editions, 163-166 p.
Hamel A., Picard M., Pinson S. (2006), A new Approach to Agency in a Collaborative Decision Making Process, in , 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT'05), Compiègne, IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 273-276 p.
Bourgne G., Maudet N., Pinson S. (2006), When Agents Communicate Hypotheses in Critical Situations, in Matteo Baldoni, Ulle Endriss, Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies IV, Hakodate, Springer, 89-104 p.
Aknine S., Pinson S. (2005), Modèles de négociation multi-agents combinés, in Ramat, Eric, Systèmes multi-agents : vers la conception de systèmes artificiels socio-mimétiques : actes des JFSMA 2005, 23-25 novembre 2005, Calais, France, Paris, Lavoisier, 87-100 p.
Hamel A., Pinson S. (2005), Conception participative de simulations multi-agents basée sur une approche d'analyse multi-acteurs, in Ramat, Eric, Systèmes multi-agents : vers la conception de systèmes artificiels socio-mimétiques (actes de JFSMA'2005), Paris, Lavoisier, 196 p.
Balbo F., Pinson S., Saunier J., Zargayouna H. (2005), An operational model for mutual awareness, in Varga, Laszlo, Multi-Agent Systems and Applications IV - Lecture notes in computer science, Budapest, Springer, 531-534 p.
Brigui I., Bellosta M-J., Kornman S., Pinson S., Vanderpooten D. (2004), Un mécanisme de négociation multicritère pour le commerce électronique, in , 14ème Congrès Francophone AFRIF-AFIA de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, Toulouse, IRIT
Balbo F., Pinson S. (2004), Dynamic Organization of an Agent-Based Simulation Model: Application to Bus Network Management, in Espinasse, Bernard, Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Agent-Based Simulation, Lisbonne, SCS Europe BVBA
Hamel A., Pinson S., Attonaty J-M. (2004), An instrumentalized participatory and cooperative approach for cooperative knowledge acquisition to build a social MABS, in European Simulation Multiconference, Networked simulations and simulated networks, Magdeburg, SCS Publ. House, 8 p.
Aknine S., Caillou P., Pinson S. (2002), Multi-agent models for searching Pareto optimal solutions to the problem of forming and dynamic restructuring of coalitions, in Van Harmelen, Frank, Proceedings of the 15th Eureopean Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI'2002, Lyon, France, July 2002, Lyon, IOS Press, 764 p.
Aknine S., Pinson S., Caillou P. (2002), A Multi-Agent Method for Forming and Dynamic Restructuring of Pareto Optimal Coalitions, in , The First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2002, July 15-19, 2002, Bologna, Italy, Proceedings, Bologne, Association Française de Marketing, 1074-1081 p.
Balbo F., Pinson S. (2001), Toward a Multi-agent Modelling Approach for Urban Public Transportation systems, in Tolksdorf, Robert, Toward a Multi-agent Modelling Approach for Urban Public Transportation systems, Prague, Springer, 193 p.
Balbo F., Moraitis P., Pinson S. (1996), Une approche multicritère pour l'attribution de tâches dans un environnement multi-agent, in Quinqueton, Joël, Journées Francophones Intelligence Artificielle Distribuée et Systèmes Multi-Agents JFIADSMA'96, Port-Camargue, Lavoisier, 85-100 p.
Pinson S. (1987), S.E.A.C.: An Expert System for Loan Granting, in Roos, Jean-Louis, IFAC papers on line, 153-158 p.
Communications sans actes
Bhouri N., Balbo F., Pinson S. (2010), A Cooperative Multi-Agent system for Strategic Decision Making, 8th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS-10), Paris, France
Pinson S., Lescoat P., Hamel A., Lessire M., Bouvarel I. (2006), Simulation of vegetal raw materials utilization in poultry production chains: a multi-agent modelling approach, The Poultry Decision Makers Workshop Series : Advances in Poultry Growth Modeling, Raleigh, États-Unis
Bourgne G., Maudet N., Pinson S. (2005), Efficient Propagation of Uncertain Information, EUMAS 2005: proceedings of the third European Workshop on Multiagent Systems, Contactforum 7-8 december 2005, Bruxelles, Belgique
Hamel A., Pinson S., Attonaty J-M. (2004), ACKA: an Approach for Cooperative Knowledge Acquisition, 2nd European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2004), Barcelone, Espagne
Balbo F., Pinson S. (2004), Dynamic Organization of an Agent-Based Simulation Model: Application to Bus Network Management, 5th conference on Agent-Based Simulation, Lisbonne, Portugal
Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche
Pinson S., Aknine S., Anane D. (2009), Les approches agents pour la coordination d’activités dans les chaînes logistiques, Paris, Cahiers du LAMSADE, 39 p.
Aknine S., Caillou P., Pinson S. (2002), Concepts et modèles de recherche de solutions optimales au problème de formation et de restructuration dynamique de coalitions d'agents, Paris, Annales du LAMSADE, 125-155 p.
Balbo F., Moraitis P., Pinson S. (1996), AMCA : Approche Multicritère pour la Coopération entre Agents, Paris, Cahiers du LAMSADE