Ratto Marisa - CV


Ratto Marisa

Associate Professor

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Phone : 01 44 05 49 47

Office : P127

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My research is in the fields of public economics and behavioural and experimental economics. My work focuses on the analysis of individual decision making that has collective interest outcomes, in particular on incentive mechanisms for cooperation in team work and for private contribution to public goods. I am also interested in the analysis of tax evasion, linked to the problem of free-riding and the financing of a public good. 




Acconcia A., D’Amato M., Martina R., Ratto M. (2022), The response of taxpayer compliance to the large shock of Italian unification, European Journal of Political Economy, vol. 73, p. 102-158

Ratto M., Gemmell N. (2018), The effects of penalty information on tax compliance: evidence from a New Zealand field experiment, National Tax Journal, vol. 71, n°3, p. 547-588

Burgess S., Propper C., Ratto M., Tominey E. (2017), Incentives in the Public Sector: Evidence from a Government Agency, The Economic Journal, vol. 127, n°Feature issue, p. F117-F141

Ratto M., Ulph D., Thomas R. (2013), The indirect effects of auditing taxpayers, Public Finance Review, vol. 41, n°3, p. 317-333

Gemmell N., Ratto M. (2012), Behavioral responses to taxpayer audits: Evidence from random taxpayer inquiries, National Tax Journal, vol. 65, n°1, p. 33-57

Burgess S., Ratto M., von Hinke Kessler Scholder S., Propper C., Tominey E. (2010), Smarter Task Assignment or Greater Effort: the impact of incentives on team performance, The Economic Journal, vol. 120, n°547, p. 968-989

Figuières C., Ratto M., Bracht J. (2008), Relative performance of two simple incentive mechanisms in a public goods experiment, Journal of Public Economics, vol. 92, n°1-2, p. 54-90

Schnedler W., Ratto M. (2008), Too Few Cooks Spoil the Broth : Division of Labor and Directed Production, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, vol. 8, n°1, p. 19

Communications sans actes

Ratto M. (2011), Implicit and Explicit Incentives to Cooperate in Teams, Workshop on Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management, Paris Dauphine, May 17-19, 2011, Paris, France

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Acconcia A., D'Amato M., Martina R., Ratto M. (2019), The Response of Taxpayer Compliance to the Large Shock of Italian Unification, CSEF Working Papers , 26 p.

Gemmell N., Ratto M. (2017), The effects of penalty information on tax compliance: evidence from a New Zealand field experiment, Victoria, The Working Papers in Public Finance, 31 p.

Ratto M. (2013), Work Practices as Implicit Incentives to Cooperate / Pratiques de travail et coopération entre collègues, CEE Working Paper , 30 p.

Vergé T., Tominey E., Ratto M. (2012), Team Structure and the Effectiveness of Collective Performance Pay, Bonn, IZA Discussion paper series, 27 p.

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