Renaud Thomas - CV


Renaud Thomas

Project research engineer



Arnault L., Jusot F., Renaud T. (2024), Did the COVID-19 pandemic reshape equity in healthcare use in Europe?, Social Science & Medicine, vol. 358, n°October 2024,, p. 117194

Salmi L-R., Roberts ., Renaud T., Buffeteau ., Cueille S., Fourneyron E., Gaillard A., Abraham ., Arditi N., Castry ., Daniel F., N'gom N., Guéry O., L'Horty Y., Pincemail S., Purgues S., Thiessard ., Ramel V., Langlois E., Saillour-Glénisson F., Sibé M., Wittwer J. (2022), An evaluation of five regional health information technology-based programmes to improve health and social care coordination: A quasi-experimental controlled before/after mixed design, Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, vol. 27, n°2, p. 122-132

Gaillard A., Garcia-Lorenzo B., Renaud T., Wittwer J. (2022), Does integrated care mean fewer hospitalizations? An Evaluation of a French Field Experiment, Health Policy, vol. 126, n°8, p. 786-794

Arnault L., Jusot F., Renaud T. (2021), Economic vulnerability and unmet healthcare needs among the population aged 50 + years during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe, European Journal of Ageing, vol. 19, p. 811–825

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