Rolland Sylvie - CV


Rolland Sylvie

Associate Professor

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With a doctorate in management from the University of Paris-Dauphine and ESSEC (PhD), Sylvie Rolland, a qualified University Professor, specialises in marketing and strategy with a forward-looking vision.

After starting her career in various corporate responsibilities in France and internationally, which enriched her knowledge of organizations, Sylvie Rolland joined the University Paris-Dauphine as a Senior Lecturer and then Research Director.

Her studies, published in French and international journals and books, concern, among other things, the creation of value for all stakeholders. They focus on the integration of the major transformations of recent decades: the advent of digital technology on the one hand, and the sociological and environmental upheavals that have placed marketing in a cultural and experiential perspective of consumption on the other.

After having managed the master marketing Product Manager and Studies (204) at Paris-Dauphine University, she created and managed the Dauphine campus in London with a multicultural pedagogical project based on the following motto "From France and Descartes, Method; from Britain and Shakespeare, Inspiration; from Dauphine University, the Audacity to join these Forces".

From 2012 to 2017, she also devoted herself to the Chair of Organizational Performance as scientific director in order to, among other things, develop research in the field of customer experience and its measurement.

Today, she invests the field of Big Data and AI in teaching and research, always in relation with Marketing and Strategy.



Rolland S., Pekovic S. (2020), Recipes for achieving customer loyalty: A qualitative comparative analysis of the dimensions of customer experience, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, vol. 56

Pekovic S., Rolland S. (2017), Quality standards and export activities: Do firm size and market destination matter?, Journal of High Technology Management Research, vol. 27, n°2, p. 110-118

Pekovic S., Rolland S., Gatignon H. (2016), Customer orientation and organizational innovation: the case of environmental management practices, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, vol. Vol. 31, n°7, p. 835 - 848

Pekovic S., Rolland S. (2016), Customer orientation and firm’s business performance A moderated mediation model of environmental customer innovation and contextual factors, European Journal of Marketing, vol. 50, n°12, p. 2162 - 2191

Rolland S., Parmentier G. (2013), The benefit of social media: Bulletin board focus groups as a tool for co-creation, International Journal of Market Research, vol. 55, n°6, p. 809-827

Dean A., Rolland S. (2012), Using an age-based lens to test the antecedents of value in retail, Der Markt, vol. 51, n°2-3, p. 85-100

Pekovic S., Rolland S. (2012), L'impact de l'orientation client sur la performance des entreprises françaises : étude empirique des effets directs et modérateurs, Recherche et applications en marketing (French edition), vol. 27, n°4, p. 11-38

Rolland S., Freeman I. (2010), A new measure of e-service quality in France, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, vol. 38, n°7, p. 497-517

Rolland S., Parmentier G. (2009), Les consommateurs des mondes virtuels : Construction identitaire et expérience de consommation dans Second Life, Recherche et applications en marketing (French edition), vol. 24, n°3, p. 43-56

Rolland S. (2009), Un bilan de 20 ans de certification des systèmes de management de la qualité : les apports perçus de la certification ISO 9000 par les managers, Management & Avenir, n°29, p. 31-51


Mauduit A-L., Rolland S., Villalonga C. (2014), Capital confiance et performance durable : à qui confier les clés ?, La Plaine Saint-Denis: AFNOR éditions, 99 p.

Rolland S., Louise V., Caby F. (2002), La Qualité au 21ème siècle : vers le management de la confiance, Paris: Economica, 126 p.

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Rolland S. (2022), La recherche en sciences des organisations à l'ère des données massives ou big data, in Damart, Sébastien ; Michaïlesco, Céline, L'état du management 2022, Paris: La Découverte, p. 97-106

Rolland S. (2015), L'expérience client : conceptualisation, enjeux et perspectives, in Perret, Véronique, L'état des entreprises 2015, Paris‎: La Découverte, p. 128

Rolland S., Dean A. (2014), Applying Service Management Concepts to Enhance the Customer Experience in Retailing, in Kandampully, Jay, Customer Experience Management: Enhancing Experience and Value Through Service Management, Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt‎, p. IV-416

Rolland S., Parmentier G. (2011), Identité et expériences de consommation : la construction de l’identité dans les mondes virtuels, in Ryan-Fazilleau, Sue, Représentations et crises identitaires : communautés en mutation, Paris: Les Indes Savantes, p. 91-106

Rolland S. (2010), La fidélité en marketing, in Trinquecoste, Jean-François, Les stratégies de rétention de l'entreprise : fidélité et fidélisation des parties prenantes : clients, salariés et actionnaires, Cenon: Daréios, p. 224

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Gatignon H., Pekovic S., Rolland S. (2013), Customer Centricity and Adoption of Environmental Management Practices, Fontainebleau, INSEAD Working Paper, 31 p.

Rolland S., Tran S. (2007), La dimension organisationnelle dans la productivité des tic : Le cas de la messagerie électronique dans le secteur des services, Paris, Working Paper IMRI, 23 p.


Rolland S. (2016), Mesurer l'experience client : complexe mais possible ?, Fondation Paris Dauphine

Rolland S. (2016), Les mécanismes de confiance dans l'économie de partage, Fondation Paris Dauphine

Autres publications

Pekovic S., Rolland S., Gatignon H., (2013), Customer Centricity and Adoption of Environmental Management Practices , INSEAD Working Paper

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