Salomon Antoine - CV


Salomon Antoine

Associate Professor


Antoine Salomon is interested in game theory, and more particularly in repeated games with incomplete information, in strategic learning, but also in machine learning.



Audibert J-Y., Salomon A. (2014), Robustness of stochastic bandit policies, Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 519, p. 46-67

El Alaoui I., Salomon A., Audibert J-Y. (2013), Lower Bounds and Selectivity of Weak-Consistent Policies in Stochastic Multi-Armed Bandit Problem., Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 14, n°1, p. 187-207

Vieille N., Rosenberg D., Salomon A. (2013), On games of strategic experimentation, Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 82, p. 31–51

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Forges F., Horst U., Salomon A. (2014), Feasibility and individual rationality in two-person Bayesian games, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 30 p.

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