Mathematics, Machine Learning, Sciences, and Humanities: Master's Year 2

Program Year

Cours introductifs

  • Introduction to R
  • Introduction to Bayesian Statistics
  • A review of probability theory foundations
  • Introduction à Python

Cours fondamentaux

  • Optimization for Machine Learning
  • High-dimensional statistics
  • Advanced learning
  • Graphical models

Cours optionnels - 5 cours à choisir parmi :

  • Optimal transport
  • Computational methods and MCMC
  • Applied Bayesian statistics
  • Bayesian non parametric and Bayesian Machine Learning
  • Mixing times of Markov chains
  • Large Language Models
  • Renforcement Learning
  • Kernel methods
  • Non-convex inverse problems
  • Mathematics of deep learning
  • Journalisme et données
  • Bayesian asymptotics
  • Topological Data Analysis

Mémoire de recherche

Academic Training Year 2024 - 2025 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The program starts in September and attendance is required.

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students are free to choose an internship proposed by one of the teaching staff, a company internship offered through the "bourse des stages", or an internship of a different origin approved by the Master's supervisor. The internship must be carried out after registration for the Master's program. It must involve a real scientific challenge and the applicative development of one of the themes developed in the Master's program.
The minimum duration is four months, between April and September of the current academic year. Barring exceptional exception, the internship must be completed by the end of September at the latest.