"On Geometry and Learning" 14th PRAIRIE Colloquium with Ron Kimmel

The PRAIRIE Institute welcomes Ron Kimmel, from the Technion Israel Institute of Technology, for its 14th colloquium.

PRAIRIE, French institute of artificial intelligence co-sponsored by PSL, with Dauphine and ENS, is organizing its 14th colloquium with Ron Kimmel, Professor of Computer Science at the Technion Israel Institute of Technology

The seminar (replay coming soon) 


Geometry means understanding in the sense that it involves finding the most basic invariants or Ockham’s razor explanation of a problem. At the other end, modern Machine Learning has little to do with explanations of solutions or interpretation of the problem at hand. I’ll try to give some examples about the relation between the learning and geometry, focusing on learning geometry, starting with the most basic notion of planar shape invariants, efficient distance computation on surfaces, and treating surfaces as metric spaces within a deep learning framework. I will introduce some links between these two smilingly orthogonal philosophical directions.

Learn more about Ron Kimmel

Colloquium PRAIRIE

Useful Information

Date : Wednesday 6 October 2021
from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Location : Online