Honorary Doctorates Ceremony 2022

Four international researchers will receive the honorific title of Doctor Honoris Causa from Université Paris Dauphine-PSL.

Professor El Mouhoub Mouhoud, President of the University and Professor Bruno Bouchard, Vice-President of the Scientific Council, will award the title and insignia of Doctor Honoris Causa to four international scientific personalities for the excellence of their research work and for their fruitful collaborations with Université Paris Dauphine - PSL.

Michael Ralph FELLOWS
Elite Professor of Computer Science, University of Bergen, 

Michael Peter LOSS
Professor of mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 

Full Professor of Optimization, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 

David Michael Garrood NEWBERY
Professor of Applied Economics, University of Cambridge, 
United Kingdom

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The ceremony will feature musical interludes by the PSL Orchestra and Choir and will be followed by a cocktail reception.

The title of Doctor Honoris Causa is one of the most prestigious distinctions awarded by French higher education institutions. This title honors "personalities of foreign nationality for outstanding services rendered to science and technology, literature and the arts, to France or to the institution of higher education that awards the title".

Useful Information

Date : Thursday 2 June 2022
from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Location : Salle Raymond Aron