Plassard Romain - CV


Plassard Romain

Associate Professor


Romain Plassard is a historian of macroeconomics. He studies how macroeconomics has changed in the academia and policy-making institutions since the world war II.

Romain analyses under which conditions emerge mainstream macroeconomics. Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models are his case study. At the same time, Romain studies the history of disequilibrium macroeconomics. It allows him to show the diversity of modeling strategies in macroeconomics. Last but not least, Romain investigates the use of models in central banks. He is particularly interested in how interdisciplinarity was practiced after the financial crisis of 2008. 

Whilst working on the use of models in central banks, Romain studies the history of macroprudential policies. He addresses the regulation of systemic risks in the light of the Nineteenth-Century political economy. 

At Paris-Dauphine University, Romain teaches classes on the history of macroeconomics in undergraduate and PhD programs. He also teaches classes on cryptocurrencies in master programs. 



Plassard R., Renault M. (2023), General Equilibrium Models with Rationing: The Making of a 'European Specialty', European Economic Review, vol. 159

Plassard R., Renault M., Rubin G. (2021), Modeling Market Dynamics: Jean-Pascal Bénassy, Edmond Malinvaud, and the Development of Disequilibrium Macroeconomics, History of Economic Ideas, vol. 29, n°1, p. 83-113

Plassard R. (2018), The origins, development, and fate of Clower's 'stock-flow' general-equilibrium programme, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, vol. 25, n°2, p. 263-294

Plassard R. (2018), Clower's volte-face regarding the 'Keynesian Revolution', History of Political Economy, vol. 50, n°2, p. 261-287

Plassard R. (2017), Disequilibrium as the origin, originality, and challenges of Clower's microfoundations of monetary theory, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, vol. 24, n°6, p. 1388-1415

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