Program Year

Enseignements obligatoires

  • Sociologie de la politisation et de la participation politique
  • Sociologie de l'état et de l'action publique
  • Méthodes d’enquête pour les sciences sociales
  • Anglais
  • Statistiques pour les sciences sociales
  • Sociologie de l’éducation
  • Sociologie économique
  • Identités, rapports sociaux, inégalités : intersections
  • Sociologie de la mondialisation

Enseignements optionnels

  • Économie du développement
  • Islam and the State
  • Readings in Social Sciences
  • Sociologie du journalisme et des médias
  • Studying the American city: Urban Ethnography, Race and Marginality

Enseignements obligatoires

  • Politique comparée et sociologie de l’Europe
  • Anglais
  • Sociologie du travail
  • Stage de terrain
  • Sociologie urbaine
  • Politiques sociales
  • Sociologie du droit
  • Sociologie des institutions et de la professionnalisation politiques
  • Sociologie de l'environnement

Enseignements optionnels

  • Social Network Analysis
  • Mémoire de recherche du stage de terrain
  • Sociologie de la famille
  • Politique comparée du monde arabe
  • Current issues in british and american politics
  • Sociologie des risques et des controverses

Academic Training Year 2024 - 2025 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The third year of the Bachelor’s program in Sociology and Political Science consists of a common core and specialties for each track, as well as electives available to all students that allow for a variety of approaches and a personalized curriculum.

Classes are divided over two semesters from September to December and from January to April. They are either lectures or 6pm seminars (with a few exceptions). Students can also choose to take seminars, classes, and workshops at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS Ulm).

The program represents a substantial time commitment on the part of the students, who have to prepare for and attend classes, study at the library, and do individual research. Evaluation takes the form of final examinations and continuous assessment.

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students have the option of doing an internship once they have completed their coursework and exams. The university can sign internship agreements with public, private, and volunteer organizations. The length of these internships is at the discretion of the student and the organization. The program directors will ensure that the internship aligns with the student’s studies.