Business Informatics (MIAGE) - Master's year 1

Program Objectives

The 1st year of the Master's in MIAGE is intended to train future professionals and researchers to perfectly master software tools and gain a clear understanding of corporate organization and operations. The MIAGE program is strongly rooted in the national MIAGE network, which brings together comparable programs at 20 French universities.

Program objectives:

  • Use, become expert in, and integrate information technologies
  • Understand how to model information systems and techniques of project management
  • Understand how organizations function: their organizational structure, strategic goals, and the full range of interactions that they house on both an operational and human scale
  • Learn and become fluent in English and a required second foreign language, become TOEIC certified
Types of education
Initial training
Work-based training
ECTS Credits
60 credits
18 weeks
No work-based training
Type of Diploma
National diploma conferring the Master's degree
Academic Year

The challenges of the ecological and social transition in the Master's degree programs

Several courses and tools are offered to students in the Master’s program, regardless of their specialization

Educational team

  • Thierry JAILLET

    Associate Professor

    Program supervisor

  • Olivier CAILLOUX

    Associate Professor

    Program supervisor (work study)

  • Secretariat

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