International Affairs and Development - Master's Year 1


Majeure Conflict Transformation and Peace Studies - Obligatoire - 21 ECTS

  • Ethique et déontologie en milieu académique (obligatoire Majeure Economie et Majeure Pré-Doctorale Economie et Majeure Conflict transformation and peace studies)
  • Méthodologie de la démonstration (obligatoire Majeure Economie et Majeure Pré-Doctorale Economie et Majeure Conflict transformation and peace studies)
  • Deconstructing Collective Violence
  • Conflict transformation and management
  • Conférences Professionnelles
  • Practicing Peace
  • Sociology of Armed Conflicts I
  • Welfare Economics

Majeure Conflict Transformation and Peace Studies - Obligatoire - Choisir un cours d'anglais

  • Oral and written communication skills (Groupe 1)
  • Pop Art and Consumer Society
  • The Economic Press in English (Groupe 2)
  • Culture and practice of entrepreneurship
  • The Economic Press in English (Groupe 1)

Majeure Conflict Transformation and Peace Studies - Optionnel - 6 ECTS à choisir

  • Financement du développement
  • Macroéconomie
  • Introduction SAS STATA
  • Éducation et développement
  • Introduction à la supply chain
  • Arabe Débutant
  • Sociology of Religious Dynamics
  • Econométrie I
  • Économétrie des séries temporelles

Majeure Conflict Transformation and Peace Studies - Obligatoire - 24 ECTS

  • Droit International
  • Gestion de projet et Plaidoyer
  • Sociology of Armed Conflicts II
  • Protection européenne et internationale des droits de l'homme
  • Traitement de l'actualité, médias et conflits
  • Consolidated English
  • Economie et Conflits
  • Decision Analysis

Majeure Conflict Transformation and Peace Studies - Optionnel - 6 ECTS à choisir

  • Data Sciences for Peace Studies
  • Arabe débutant avancé
  • Economy of corruption
  • Microfinance
  • Energy and Environment Economics

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The first year of the Master’s program in International Affairs and Development is divided into two semesters. It runs from September to April or May.

When they apply, students choose the first-year major that best prepares them (out of the three offered) for the program they wish to take in the second year of the Master’s program. Students have the option to change their major at the end of the first semester.
The first year of the Master’s program consists of a combination of required courses and electives. Both theoretical courses and applied courses are available. Each major offers its own specific courses, even if they are open to students in other majors as electives (e.g. Econometrics; Practicing Peace).
Examples of courses: International Economics, Economics of Development, Social and Environmental Responsibility, and Conflict Management and Peace Building.

Languages are important to our program: English is a required subject, and students can take the TOEIC exam in the spring. Peace Studies majors have the option to take Arabic.

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students may do an internship or take a gap year between the first and second years of the Master's degree.