Maria J. Esteban elected Honorary Member of the ISC

It is the highest distinction of the International Council of Science.

Congratulations to Maria J. Esteban on being awarded the International Science Council's (ISC) highest honor among 60 new members in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the promotion of science as a global public good. 

They join the 60 members appointed last June to support the ISC's core mission of putting science at the service of society and helping to solve pressing societal problems - such as climate change mitigation and adaptation, water, energy, and food security, as well as the urgent transformations required in research itself.

Learn more about the ISC Fellows

Director of research at the CNRS, Maria J. Esteban pursues her research in the CEREMADE laboratory at Université Paris Dauphine - PSL. A former student of Pierre-Louis Lions (Fields Medal 1994), Maria J. Esteban is a specialist in nonlinear partial differential equations and their applications in quantum physics and chemistry. Maria J. Esteban was elected Fellow of SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) in 2016 and Honorary Fellow of the London Mathematical Society in 2018. A member of the Abel Prize committee in 2014 and 2015, she served as President of the SMAI (Society for Applied and Industrial Mathematics) from 2009 to 2012 and of the ICIAM (International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) from 2015 to 2019.
She is also a member of the European Academy of Sciences, the Academia Europaea and the Basque Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. In 2021, Maria J. Esteban received the Blaise Pascal Medal from the European Academy of Sciences and is elected as a foreign member of the Royal Spanish Academy of Sciences and the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Published on 8 December 2022