#WomenInScience, International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Established on February 11 by the United Nations since 2015, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science aims to value and increase the representation of women in scientific careers.
On this occasion, PSL University honors the women and girls who participate in the scientific influence of its institutions.
Here is a look at six women scientists from the research centers of Université Paris Dauphine - PSL who have distinguished themselves this year.
Maria J. Esteban, elected Honorary Member of the International Science Council
Maria J. Esteban, mathematician and director of research at the "Centre de Recherche en Mathématiques de la Décision" (CEREMADE) receives the International Science Council's highest distinction. She joins 60 other new members distinguished for their outstanding contributions to the promotion of science in the service of society. Her work focuses on nonlinear partial differential equations and their applications in fluid mechanics and quantum physics and chemistry.
Valérie Guillard, co-author of the study "Do we buy more objects because they are second-hand?"
Valérie Guillard holds a PhD in management science and is a researcher at the laboratory Dauphine Recherches en Management (DRM). Her research focuses on consumer psychology, consumer practices regarding second-hand objects and waste.
Conducted in November 2022, the study "Do we buy more objects because they are second-hand?" carried out jointly with the Centre de recherche pour l'étude et l'observation des conditions de vie (CRÉDOC) was praised by the media, notably in the article Surconsommation : les Français sautent sur "l’occasion" published in Libération.
Élise Huillery named to the rank of Knight in the National Order of Merit
Élise Huillery is a professor and economist at the Laboratoire d'Économie de Dauphine (LEDA). Her nomination to the rank of Knight of the National Order of Merit is a reward for her work evaluating the impact of social policies in the fields of employment, health and education, aimed at disadvantaged groups.
Marion Flécher, prize of Chancellerie des Universités de Paris 2022
Marion Flécher, a doctor of sociology and a teaching and research associate at the Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Sciences Sociales (IRISSO), was awarded one of the five Chancellerie des Universités de Paris 2022 for her thesis « The world of start-ups : The new face of capitalism? Investigating how start-ups are created and organized in France and the United States ».
Solène Roland, winner of the Prix Solon and rewarded by the Fondation Alzheimer Médéric
Already winner of the Prix Solon for her thesis on « Gestion du patrimoine et dépendance », Solène Roland has won a scientific endowment of €35,000 from the Fondation Médéric Alzheimer, which each year rewards theses by young researchers to encourage work on Alzheimer's disease.
This endowment will allow Solène Roland to continue her 4th year of doctoral studies at the Centre de recherche droit Dauphine (CR2D), under the direction of Anne Karm,
Virginie Do, Best Scientific Poster Award
Virginie Do, a PhD student in computer science at the Laboratoire d’Analyse et de Modélisation de Systèmes pour l’Aide à la Décision (LAMSADE), was awarded a prize for her poster entitled "Optimizing generalized Gini indices for fairness in rankings" at the first edition of the Scientific Poster Prize during the Dauphine Digital Days.
Viriginie Do's poster received the most votes from the public and the jury among the 13 posters of Dauphine PhD students on the technical foundations of artificial intelligence and its use in the field of economic and social sciences.