The PRAIRIE institute welcomes a new "Tremplin" researcher from Dauphine

He is on of the 6 new “tremplins” - young springboards researchers with exceptional scientific potential in the field of artificial intelligence welcomed by PRAIRIE this spring.
Our warmest congratulations to Clément Royer !
Clément Royer is an associate professor of computer science at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL and a researcher in the MILES team at LAMSADE. From 2016 to 2019, he was a postdoctoral research associate at the Wisconsin Institute of Discovery, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. He received his Ph.D. in applied mathematics from the University of Toulouse, France, in 2016.
Clément is also a recipient of the COAP Best Paper Prize for 2019.
The Prairie Institute (PaRis AI Research InstitutE) is one of the four French Institutes of Artificial Intelligence, which were created as part of the national French initiative on AI announced by President Emmanuel Macron on May 29, 2018.
Founded in 2019 by CNRS, Inria, Institut Pasteur, PSL University, Université de Paris and a club of industrial partners. Prairie’s dual mission of world-class research and education in collaboration with industry leaders will have a multiplying effect on the scientific and socio-economic impact of AI in France and Europe.