
Working Paper Serie

  • Gresse C. & Marin H. (2024). “Learning by Doing in Crowdlending Auctions”. Read the article
  • Hervé Alexandre & Charlotte Eli (2024). “Rate Discovery in Decentralized Lending”. Read the article
  • Sylvain Carre & Franck Gabriel (2024). “Security and Efficiency in DeFi Lending”. Read the article
  • Juan F. Imbet & Javier Gil-Bazo (2023). “Tweeting for Money: Social Media and Mutual Fund Flows”. Read the article
  • Gresse C. & Marin H. (2021). “Geographical-Proximity Bias in P2B Crowdlending Strategies”. Read the article
  • Bertucci L. (2021). “Incentives on the Lightning Network : A Blockchain-based Payment Network”. Read the article
  • Chemla G. & Tinn K. (2020). “How wise are crowds on crowdfunding platforms ?”. Handbook of Alternative Finance. Read the article 

Discussion Paper Serie

International research projects

Decentralised finance & Blockchain

Contract Enforcement and Decentralized Consensus : The Case of Slashing. Read the article
He Zhiguo                      University of Chicago 
Li Jiasun                        George Mason University

An Economic Model of Consensus on Distributed Ledgers. Read the article
Hanna Halaburda             New York University
He Zhiguo                       University of Chicago 
Li Jiasun                          George Mason University

Token Trading in Decentralized Markets. Read the article
Lehar Alfred                   University of Calgary 
Parlour Christine             Berkeley University

An Empirical Analysis of Decentralized Exchanges    
Thomas Lambert            Rotterdam School of Management
Daniel Liebau                 Rotterdam School of Management and Singapore Management University
Peter Roosenboom        Rotterdam School of Management

Decentralised Finance and Automated Market Making: Predictable Loss and Optimal Liquidity Provision. Read the article 
Álvaro Cartea               University of Oxford
Fayçal Drissi                 Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Marcello Monga            University of Oxford

Yield farming for liquidity provision.  Read the article
L. Schönleber               Collegio Carlo Alberto and University of Turin
A. Papanicolaou            North Carolina State University
T. N. Li                           New York University
S. Naik                 

Does Market Efficiency Impact Capital Allocation Efficiency? The Case of Decentralized Exchanges. Read the article
E. Lyandres                    Tel Aviv University
A. Zaidelson                    SCRT Labs, Israel

Predictable Losses of Liquidity Provision in Constant Function Markets and Concentrated Liquidity Markets. Read the article
Álvaro Cartea               University of Oxford
Fayçal Drissi                 Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Marcello Monga            University of Oxford

Inclusion and Democratization Through Web3 and DeFi? Read the article
Lin William Cong                Cornell University S.C.
Ke Tang                               Tsinghua University 
Yanxin Wang & Xi Zhao        Xi'An Jiaotong University School of Management

Implied Impermanent Loss: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Decentralized Liquidity Pools. Read the article
L. Schoenleber               Collegio Carlo Alberto and University of Turin
A. Papanicolaou             North Carolina State University
T. N. Li                           New York University
S. Naik                           Equalto

Channel cost minimization in the Lightning Network and its implications for the network structure. Read the article
Huberman Gur                    Columbia Business School
Guasoni Paolo                     Dublin City University
Shikhelman Clara                Chaincode Lab

Conflicted Analysts and Initial Coin Offerings. Read the article
Andreas Barth               Saarland University Saarbrücken
Valerie Laturnus            Goethe University Frankfurt
Sasan Mansouri             Goethe University Frankfurt
Alexander F. Wagner     University of Zurich

On the demand for programmable payments. Read the article
Maarten van Oordt        VU Amsterdam   
Charles M. Kahn            University of Illinois   

Artificial Intelligence

Discrimination in Machine-Learning Credit Scoring: from Detection to Mitigation. Read the article 
Perignon Christophe            HEC
Hurlin Christophe                Université d’Orléans

Machine Learning in Mortgage Lending: Possibilities and Pitfalls
Dr. Philip Kalikman          University of Cambridge
Mr. Ernest Miller               Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Pr Daniel Rockmore         Dartmouth University        

AI-assisted Managerial Decision-Making and Learning CSR Objectives     
Lin William Cong           Cornell University
Murillo Campello            Cornell University 


ESG and Crowdfunding Platforms. Read the article
Cumming Douglas.         Florida Atlantic University
Vismara Silvio                 University of Bergamo
Michele Meoli                  University of Bergamo
Alice Rossi                      University of Bergamo

Governance and Success in U.S. Securities-Based Crowdfunding. Read the article
Douglas J. Cumming         Florida Atlantic University
Sofia Johan                       Florida Atlantic University and University of Aberdeen Business School
Robert S. Reardon            Florida Atlantic University

Crowdlending, Self-Employment, and Entrepreneurial Performance. Read the article
Douglas J. Cumming         Florida Atlantic University
Ahmed Sewaid                  MBS College of Business and Entrepreneurship

Early contributors, cooperation and fair rewards in crowdfunding. Read the article 
Beal Sylvain                            Université de Franche-Comté
Deschamps Marc                    Université de Franche-Comté
Refait-Alexandre Catherine    Université de Franche-Comté
Sekli Guillaume                    Université de Franche-Comté


Debiasing Data for Values-Aligned Investment    
Jillian Grennan              University of California, Berkeley
Roni Michaely                Hong Kong University

SMEs Amidst the Pandemic and Reopening: Digital Edge and Transformation. Read the article
Cong Lin William                Cornell University
Xiaohan Yang                     Cornell University
Zhang Xiaobo                     Peking University

Robo-Advice, Risk-Taking, and Investors’ Emotions
Milo Bianchi                     Toulouse School of Economics
Marie Brière                    
Amundi and University Paris-Dauphine
Franca Glenzer                HEC Montreal

Academic conferences