Zam Michel - CV


Zam Michel

Adjunct Professor

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Phone : 01 44 05 44 05

Office : B224


Passionate educator and pragmatic computer scientist with emphasis in teaching.



Santanchè A., Longo J., Jomier G., Zamfiroiu M., Bauzer Medeiros C. (2014), Multi-focus Research and Geospatial Data - anthropocentric concerns, Journal of Information and Data Management, vol. 5, n°2, p. 146-160

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Abdessalem T., Bauzer-Medeiros C., Cellary W., Manouvrier M., Rukoz M., Zamfiroiu M. (2019), Les Versions de Bases de Données, in Isabelle Huault, Bruno Bouchard, 50 ans de recherche à Dauphine : Hier, Aujourd'hui et Demain, Paris: Université Paris-Dauphine, p. 44-48

Communications avec actes

Digkoglou P., Tsoukiàs A., Zam M., Dargam F., Papathanasiou J., Beutle S., Stanojevic M., Wittine Z., Sorić P., Chryssikos G. (2024), Unlocking the potential of the low-code approach for a more open and innovative higher education system, in Sérgio Pedro Duarte ; Pascale Zaraté ; António Lobo ; Boris Delibašić ; Tomasz Wachowicz ; Marta Campos Ferreira, Proceedings of ICDSST 2019

Zam M. (2022), Enlightening Modeling the Aristotelian Way with Light-Code, in Thomas Kühn ; Vasco Sousa, 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C), IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 107-114 p.

Zamfiroiu M. (2022), Teaching modeling to anyone the aristotelian way: anyone can cook a sound model, in Thomas Kühn ; Vasco Sousa, New York, NY, ACM - Association for Computing Machinery, 107-114 p.

Bauzer-Medeiros C., Jomier G., Santanchè A., Zamfiroiu M. (2012), Challenges of the Anthropocene epoch – supporting multi-focus research, in Claudio Campelo and Laercio Namikawa, GEOINFO XIII -- 2012, Campos do Jordao, GeoInfo, 1-10 p.

Dodinet G., Jomier G., Zamfiroiu M. (2012), The United States of a Meta-model build with MyDraft An agile model-driven cloud-based platform for data-oriented rich web applications, in , SPLASH 2012 - DSM, Tucson, ACM, 25-26 p.

Dodinet G., Jomier G., Zamfiroiu M. (2011), Software objects fairy tales: merging design and runtime objects into the cloud with mydraft, in , SPLASH 2011, Tucson, ACM, 43-44 p.

Dodinet G., Jomier G., Zamfiroiu M. (2010), Coevolutive Meta-execution Support - Towards a Design and Execution Continuum, in Virvou, Maria, ICSOFT 2010 - Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, Volume 2, Athens, Greece, July 22-24, 2010, Athènes, SciTePress, 143-150 p.

Communications sans actes

Zamfiroiu M. (2012), The xDD game - A State of the Union. A Conspiracy-Driven Design Exploration for a Unified xDD Meta-model: a Position Paper, SPLASH 2012 - xDD, Tucson, États-Unis

Zamfiroiu M. (2012), Design and Run Your Object Models in the Cloud with MyDraft - An Agile Model-driven Cloud-based Platform for Data-oriented Rich Web Applications, The 16th IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2012), Las Vegas, États-Unis

Dodinet G., Jomier G., Zamfiroiu M. (2009), Evolutivité des applications Web : un méta-modèle exécutable, XXVIIeme congrès INFORSID 2009, Toulouse, France

Présentation(s) dans un séminaire de recherche

Zamfiroiu M. (2012), Tissons ensemble le nuage de l’intérieur, in Séminaire Université Paris-Dauphine "Cloud & BigData", Paris

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