Tronc commun

  • Droit patrimonial 1
  • Droit des obligations civiles 1
  • Méthodologie et Droit
  • Grands principes de droit du patrimoine
  • Economie bancaire
  • Stratégie bancaire et gestion privée
  • Institutional investment
  • Comptabilité
  • Politiques économiques
  • Informatique (Excel) Gr1/Gr2
  • Mathématiques pour la finance
  • Anglais

Tronc commun

  • Droit des sociétés
  • Fiscalité du particulier
  • Droit patrimonial 2 - MOOC
  • Droit des sûretés
  • Droit commercial
  • Marchés financiers
  • Analyse financière
  • Informatique VBA
  • Informatique Big Expert
  • Préparation Projet professionnel
  • Techniques de vente
  • Anglais G1/G2
  • Stage

Academic Training Year 2024 - 2025 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

Courses are held between September and December (S1) and January and the end of April (S2). Courses are held from 8:30m to 8:30pm, Monday to Thursday and attendance is required.
The first examination periods are in December and April; the second is in June.

A large number of the program’s courses are taught by working professionals.

The degree is awarded to students who have completed and passed all required coursework.

Internships and Supervised Projects

Required internship (minimum ten weeks)