Who can apply?
- For Organizational Sciences: hold any Baccalaureate degree or equivalent for international students.
- For Mathematics, Computer Science, and Economics: hold a Bac or international equivalent.
- Proof of athletic, artistic, or entrepreneurial talent.
Sportif de Haut Niveau (SHN) status is based on registration on the official lists of high-level sportsmen and women, drawn up and published each year by the French Ministry of Youth and Sports. The unofficial Sportif de Bon Niveau (SBN) status is based on recognition of national or international high-level status by the university, but without registration on the ministerial lists (attestations from coaches, club presidents, federations).
Artist status (music, dance, drama) is based on recognition of the student's level by a departmental (with a 3rd cycle certificate), regional or national conservatory and/or prizes or medals obtained.
The status of Entrepreneur is based on obtaining the "Etudiant-Entrepreneur" status issued by the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research. Candidates must complete an application form, which is examined by a PEPITE commitment committee. Successful candidates obtain the status of Student-Entrepreneur by joining the Talents program.
How and when to apply?
Students may only apply via the Parcoursup platform: www.parcorpsup.fr
Applicants for the Dauphine-Talents program must:
- Specify the category under which they are applying (artist, athlete, or entrepreneur)
- Complete an online form detailing their experience and their accomplishments
- If requested by the academic team, attend an admissions interview
Tuition and financial aid

Tuition fees
Registration fees at Dauphine are established according to the different systems (national laws, tax household income, etc.).

Scholarships and Social Assistance
Funding packages are offered to Master's degree students in association with the CROUS, the Dauphine Foundation and corporations.

Funding through work-study programs.
Some Master's degree programs offer work-study training. Students are then paid and their tuition fees covered by the host company.