Talents: Bachelor's Year 1


UE Obligatoires

  • Sociologie : Naissance de la question sociale
  • Microéconomie -Comportement du Consommateur
  • Introduction à la gestion
  • Informatique : Excel/VBA
  • Enjeux éthiques et politiques du monde contemporain
  • Anglais
  • Outils mathématiques
  • Culture économique
  • Soft Skills

UE Obligatoires

  • Sciences politiques : Etat et démocratie
  • Microéconomie - Comportements de la firme
  • Introduction à la gestion
  • Optimisation en Mathématiques
  • Option Talents S2
  • Enjeux écologiques : limites planétaires
  • Algèbre linéaire
  • Soft Skills

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The curriculum is identical to that followed by students in the first and second years of the traditional Bachelor’s degree program, except that it is extended over three years. Students must attend classes for at least two half days per week (Tuesday and Thursday); they will receive tutoring for their other coursework.
All students must sit and pass the general examinations.

The school year is divided into two 15-week semesters, as well as a pre-semester week in the fall.
Classes take place on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:30am to 1:30pm, except for the first week of each semester, when they run from 8:30am to 5pm every day. This schedule ensures that students in the Talents program have the same amount of instruction and receive the same degree as other students.

Instruction primarily takes the form of group tutorials with around 30 students in the Talents program.
Each semester, students take 15 credits (UE) from the core curriculum and one special option (English plus sports, arts, or entrepreneurship). Student learning is primarily assessed on the following criteria:

  • A continuous assessment grade (from 0 to 50% of the final grade) which includes one or two tests, student participation in group tutorials, submitted work (determined by the credits taken)
  • a final exam (from 50 to 100% of the grade)

Classes begin: early September
Classes end: mid-May
Retake examinations: mid-June

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students in Organizational Sciences must complete an internship of at least five weeks duration or hold a paid position for at least 175 hours during their first two years of the Bachelor's degree. Domestic labor such as baby sitting and running errands is not acceptable. All other types of work are allowed. The goal is to introduce the student to the world of work and get them accustomed to a professional environment.

Mathematics, Computer Science, and Engineering students are not required to pursue an internship.

UE Obligatoires Semestre 1T

  • Analyse 1
  • Algèbre 1
  • Enjeux écologiques du 21ème siècle
  • Anglais 1
  • UE libre Talent

UE Obligatoires Semestre 2T

  • Analyse 2
  • Algèbre linéaire 2
  • Anglais 2

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching modalities

The curriculum is identical to that followed by students in the first and second years of the traditional Bachelor’s degree program, except that it is extended over three years. Students must attend classes for at least two half days per week (Tuesday and Thursday); they will receive tutoring for their other coursework.
All students must sit and pass the general examinations.

The school year is divided into two 15-week semesters, as well as a pre-semester week in the fall.
Classes take place on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:30am to 1:30pm, except for the first week of each semester, when they run from 8:30am to 5pm every day. This schedule ensures that students in the Talents program have the same amount of instruction and receive the same degree as other students.

Instruction primarily takes the form of group tutorials with around 30 students in the Talents program.
Each semester, students take 15 credits (UE) from the core curriculum and one special option (English plus sports, arts, or entrepreneurship). Student learning is primarily assessed on the following criteria:

  • A continuous assessment grade (from 0 to 50% of the final grade) which includes one or two tests, student participation in group tutorials, submitted work (determined by the credits taken)
  • a final exam (from 50 to 100% of the grade)

Classes begin: early September
Classes end: mid-May
Retake examinations: mid-June

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students in Organizational Sciences must complete an internship of at least five weeks duration or hold a paid position for at least 175 hours during their first two years of the Bachelor's degree. Domestic labor such as baby sitting and running errands is not acceptable. All other types of work are allowed. The goal is to introduce the student to the world of work and get them accustomed to a professional environment.

Mathematics, Computer Science, and Engineering students are not required to pursue an internship.