Dual Bachelor’s degree (French and German): Bachelor's Year 3


Enseignements obligatoires semestre 5

  • Seminar
  • Accounting 2
  • Finanzen 3
  • Management 2
  • Wirtschaftsinformatik 2

Enseignements obligatoires semestre 6

  • Einführung in die Ökonometrie
  • Matières à choisir dans le domaine Accounting and finance
  • Matières à choisir dans le domaine Economics
  • Matières à choisir dans le domaine Management
  • Bachelorarbeit

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The school year consists of two semesters, both of which take place on the campus of Goethe University in Frankfurt. Courses are taught primarily in English and German.

The first semester is 14 weeks long, and instruction predominantly takes the form of lectures with additional practical exercises. Students take 4 credits (UE) from the core curriculum and can choose from the courses offered by Goethe University. Available courses differ according to the student’s chosen specialization (economics or management) and must be approved by academic advisors in both Germany and France. Students are also required to take a seminar in economics or management, for which they will have to write a seminar thesis on a research topic designated by their instructor.
Student learning is primarily assessed by a final exam, but assessment methodologies may vary from one credit to the other.

  • Classes begin: mid-October
  • Classes end: mid-February

The second semester is 14 weeks long. Students take 4 credits (UE) from the core curriculum and can choose from the courses offered by Goethe University. Available courses differ according to the student’s chosen specialization (economics or management) and must be approved by academic advisors in both Germany and France. Students are also required complete a research project on a given topic in economics or management, which will result in a Bachelor’s thesis (Bachelor Arbeit) on a topic agreed upon by the student and their academic advisor.
Student learning is primarily assessed by a final exam, but assessment methodologies may vary from one credit to the other.

  • Classes begin: mid-April
  • Classes end: mid-July

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students must complete an internship of at least three months. The purpose of the internship is to help the student gain a deeper understanding of their chosen field of specialization (economics or management) through practice.
The work placement requirement must take place in a German-speaking environment, either in Germany or with a company in another country that has regular business dealings with Germany (i.e. a French subsidiary of a German company, or a company with German clients or suppliers) and where German is a frequent working language.
Students must write an internship report, which they will defend before a binational review panel of representatives from the two institutions (Dauphine and Goethe).