Mathematics and Computer Science - Bachelor's Year 1

Program Objectives

The first year (L1) of the Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Computer Science offers a solid scientific training in mathematics and computer science, complemented by courses in economics and modern languages.
The development and use of mathematics and computer science have become exponential and widespread in many technologies and sectors.

The construction of decision-making, statistical analysis and data processing tools (in economics, ecology, medicine or finance, for example) relies on elaborate mathematical relationships, the fundamental principles and concepts of which are taught during the Mathematics and Computer Science degree.

In mathematics, the disciplines of analysis and linear algebra are taught with the aim of understanding different mathematical objects such as real sequences, real functions, complex numbers, linear applications, matrices, integrals...
In computer science, the teaching of the Python language provides the basis for the acquisition of fundamental skills in algorithmics and programming. Students are then introduced to the analysis and optimization of algorithm performance, databases, spreadsheets and web programming.

These lessons are continued in the second year (L2) of the Bachelor's degree, with more in-depth reasoning and knowledge of analysis, algebra, probability (notions of function series and improper integrals, metric space, endomorphism, diagonalization, numerical schemes, probability measures and random variables, and for computer science, computer architecture, advanced data structures, C programming, functional programming and system programming) and algorithms.

Mastery of these concepts is a prerequisite for further study in fundamental or applied mathematics and computer science.

Training objectives :

  • Acquire fundamental knowledge of mathematics and computer science: analysis, algebra, probability, algorithms.
  • Introduce students to various concepts in economics: modeling and optimization of microeconomic models, analysis of various economic trends in macroeconomics, questioning of current economic problems.
  • Help students make the transition from secondary to higher education.
Types of education
Initial training
ECTS Credits
60 credits
Optional Internship
Type of Diploma
Diploma from a major institution conferring the Bachelor's degree
Academic Year