Organizational Sciences - French and German double degree - Year 2

Program Year

Enseignements obligatoires semestre 3

  • Social Sciences and Method
  • Microeconomics 3
  • Microeconomics 4
  • Contract and tort Law 1
  • Contract and tort Law 2
  • English language
  • Projets tutorés
  • Global Contemporary Issues
  • Management Accounting 1
  • Management Accounting 2
  • Statistics
  • Macroeconomics

Options semestre 3

  • German
  • French

Enseignements suivis à la Goethe Universität de Francfort

  • Accounting 1
  • Finanzen 2
  • Wirtschaftsethik
  • Makroökonomie 2
  • Mikroökonomie 2
  • Matière à choisir dans le domaine du Management
  • Matière à choisir dans le domaine Economics
  • Matières à choisir dans le domaine Accounting and finance

Academic Training Year 2024 - 2025 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

Instruction primarily takes the form of group tutorials. The academic year is divided into 2 semesters, respectively 12 (S3) and 14 (S4) weeks long, as well as two pre-semester weeks in the fall.
The academic year takes place in two different locations and there is a maximum of 30 students.

In the first semester (semester 3), students are in Paris and take 12 mandatory credits (UE) + one elective.
Classes are taught in English, German and French.

Start of semester 3 classes: early September
Semester 3 classes end: mid-January
Semester 3 retake examinations: early March

During the second semester (semester 4), students are in Frankfurt and take at least 5 mandatory credits (UE). Instruction primarily takes the form of lectures with additional practical exercises, mainly in German.

Student learning is primarily assessed by a final exam, but assessment methodologies may vary from one credit to the other.

Subject matter varies depending on whether the student chooses to specialize in economics or management.

Semester 4 classes begin: mid-April
Semester 4 classes end: mid-July

Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students must complete an internship of at least 5 weeks duration or hold a paid position for at least 175 hours during their first two years of the Bachelor's degree. Domestic labor such as baby sitting and running errands is not acceptable. All other types of work are allowed. The goal is to introduce the student to the world of work and get them accustomed to a professional environment for their future.

For students studying for the double French-German degree, the professional experience must take place in a German-speaking environment, either in Germany or with a company in another country that has regular business dealings with Germany (i.e. a French subsidiary of a German company, or a company with German clients or suppliers) and where German is a frequent working language.

The work placement should take place in the summer between the first and second years of undergraduate study.

Students studying for the double French-German degree also complete professional projects as part of the Project management course. This credit involves students collaborating in a professional fashion on projects related to the double degree.