Students enrolled in the program must validate the following courses:
- Microeconometrics (6 ECTS)
- Micreconometrics: applications with STATA (3 ECTS)
- Introduction to Matlab (3 ECTS)
- Macroeconometrics (6 ECTS)
- Data management, Algorithmic and programming (3 ECTS)
These courses replace those that are offered in the student's Master program in the corresponding disciplines.
- Machine Learning (6 ECTS)
These courses replace those that are offered in the student's Master program in the corresponding disciplines.
Students engaged in the Certificate must also complete a 2-month (or more) research internship during one of the 2 years of their Master program (9 ECTS). This internship can take place in one of the PSL research departments or in a partner university or in the research department of an international organisation or a governmental institution.
Teaching modalities
All classes are taught in English in lecture format in small classes. A particular emphasis is put on applying the empirical tools that are taught to the analysis and problem solving of highly-relevant economic policy issues.