Program Year

UE Obligatoires

  • Algorithmic and advanced programming
  • Anglais 1
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Graph theory
  • Mathematics for data science

UE Complémentaires

  • Décision collective, décision multicritère
  • Système et algorithmes répartis
  • Game theory
  • Programmation Objet avancée
  • Computational Methods in Optimization

UE Obligatoires

  • Combinatorial optimization
  • Computer ethics & data protection
  • Data base management system
  • Anglais 2
  • Machine Learning

UE Complémentaires

  • Gestion de production
  • Décision dans l’incertain
  • Logic theory
  • ML Project/Data science

Bloc stage

Academic Training Year 2024 - 2025 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The program starts in September and attendance is required.
The first year of the Master’s degree in Computer Science with a specialization in Computer Science, Decision Making, and Data is divided into two semesters, S1 and S2. Each semester is made up of a foundational unit of instruction and supplementary courses, as well as an internship unit in S2.
Each course is worth a certain number of ECTS credits; each semester corresponds to a specific number of ECTS credits obtained by passing the required and elective courses for the semester.

Internships and Supervised Projects

The internship either takes place in a company or at a research center and can be replaced by a thesis supervised by a faculty member at the university over a period of three to four months.
The internship should involve a substantial amount of design, analysis, and production. Students must have their internships approved by the program director in advance.
At the end of their internship, the student must submit a report in triplicate: one copy to the internship director and two copies to the department office. The report must be submitted at least 8 days before the date scheduled defenses begin.