Economic and Financial Engineering - 272 - Master's Year 2


Obligatoire pour l'Apprentissage (3 ECTS)

Optionnel - Apprentissage (27 ECTS à choisir) Formation Initiale (30 ECTS à choisir)

  • Analyse Fondamentale
  • Asset Management I
  • Asset Management et Analyse Fondamentale
  • Calcul stochastique
  • Calcul stochastique et produits dérivés
  • Droit de la finance
  • Droit des entreprises et des marchés
  • Econométrie de la Finance Quantitative
  • Econométrie et méthodes quantitatives de la finance de marché
  • Econométrie financière
  • Fixed income et produits dérivés
  • Forex et cryptomonnaies
  • Gestion Quantitative I
  • Informatique et méthodes quantitatives pour la finance d'entreprise
  • Informatique et méthodes quantitatives pour le financement et les marchés
  • Informatique pour la finance de marché
  • Informatique pour la finance quantitative
  • Investissement et Environnement
  • Marchés financiers et économie
  • Séminaire de recherche 1
  • Séminaire Finance et Économie 1
  • Stratégie et Marché des Entreprises
  • Valorisation des entreprises et financement

Obligatoire Apprentissage (Applications Professionnelles 3 ECTS) - Formation Initiale (Stage - 3 ECTS)

Optionnel - Apprentissage et Formation Initiale (27 ECTS à choisir)

  • Applications informatiques en finance quantitative
  • Applications informatiques et analyse des données
  • Data science et corporate finance
  • Dérivés et produits structurés
  • Fusion Aquisition
  • Gestion d'actifs
  • Gestion des Risques
  • Gestion et Investissements Alternatifs
  • Gestion Quantitative II
  • Investissement et Marchés
  • Investissements Alternatifs et Nouvelles Technologies
  • Marchés et Financements
  • Pratique de la data science en finance
  • Private Equity
  • Processus d'investissement
  • Produits dérivés et produits structurés
  • Risque de crédit
  • Séminaire Corporate
  • Séminaire de recherche 2
  • Séminaire Finance et Économie 2
  • Stratégies fondamentales
  • Taux, dérivés et gestion des risques
  • Trading des taux et des dérivés
  • Trading et stratégie d'investissement
  • Valorisation des projets d'investissement
  • Valorisation et investissement

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The program consists of 450 hours of instruction, spread out between September and March. The academic calendar follows a work-study schedule that consists of three major blocks: full-time on campus until October, weekly rotation with three days at the workplace and two days on campus until March, then full-time at the workplace after March.

Students must choose one of the three Economic and Financial Engineering majors: Business Finance, Market Finance, and Quantitative Finance. Depending on the major they choose, students then follow a set of required courses and electives that facilitates further specialization while opening up opportunities to explore other disciplines. Central to the program is the simultaneous use and application of economic and financial information systems (Bloomberg, Reuters), professional IT tools adapted for each major (VBA, Python, Power BI, R, C #, C ++, Matlab), and financial methods. This educational credo, adopted as early as the third year of Bachelor's degree in Applied Economics at Dauphine, takes the form of a number of professional projects inspired by issues encountered by real companies financial institutions.

Seminars are offered to help students elaborate their career plans. In July, two months before university classes resume, students hoping to do a summer internship in an English or American bank have the opportunity to take the training course put on by the Alumneye association. The “How to get into investment banking” seminar runs in January and February and both helps students prepare for the recruitment process in investment banking and introduces them to the various careers in the financial sector through talks by guest speakers. In April, there is a two-and-a-half day seminar at the Novotel Fontainebleau Ury. The three main goals of the event are conferences where students can meet renowned professionals in a less formal setting, personal development workshops, and social events to help the cohort connect to one another.

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students in the apprenticeship program are mentored by a university advisor and an apprenticeship supervisor. The academic advisor is assigned by the program directors. Their role is to mentor the student over the course of their apprenticeship and serve as a bridge between the university and the host company. They visit the student at work twice over the course of the program. Meetings between the apprenticeship supervisor and the apprentice provide an opportunity to ensure proper onboarding and integration into the team and projects over the course of the year. Apprentices produce an apprenticeship thesis under the guidance of their university advisor and defend it during the advisor's second visit to their place of employment. The apprenticeship is an opportunity for students to critically reflect on their internship assignments and, along with their advisor, choose a thesis topic for development into this capstone apprenticeship project.

Students in initial training must undertake an internship of at least four months' duration. The internship must be connected to the areas of study covered in the program and can take place in France or abroad. To pass the internship, students must produce and orally defend a thesis report.