Impact Finance and Technology - 224 - Master's Year 2

Who can apply?

  • Students who have completed a BAC+4 degree (a four-year degree worth 240 ECTS credits) or equivalent at Dauphine or another university or institution of higher education.
  • Students with a Master's degree or PhD or graduates of a Grande Ecole focused on business or engineering.

How to apply?

There are three steps to the admissions process:

  1. An online application
  2. Eligibility for interview is determined after reviewing the application
  3. Interview with eligible applicants, followed by admissions decision

Students are required to submit an essay about a given topic provided in the admissions packet.
There are two steps in the selection process:

  • Review of essays, application dossiers, work experience, and extracurricular experience.
  • An interview to learn more about the candidate's reasons for applying to the program, their personality, and their capacity to excel in the program.

When to apply?


Apply on MyCandidature

Université Paris Dauphine | PSL

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