Insurance and Risk Management - 218 - Master's Year 2



  • Droit de l'assurance/ Risques corporate
  • Méthodes quantitatives pour la finance
  • Assurance des grands risques industriels
  • Comptabilité des assurances
  • Statistiques de l’assurance
  • Actuariat / Actuariat et dépendance
  • Solvabilité 2
  • SAS/ Python, VBA
  • Introduction au secteur de l'assurance
  • IFRS et évaluation d'actifs et passifs


  • Cycle de conférences "Enjeux actuels pour l'assurance et la gestion du risque"
  • Stage/ Soutenance
  • Anglais + Préparation TOEIC
  • International Asset Management
  • Risques, Valeurs et Performance
  • Insurtech / Distribution et marketing des produits d'assurance
  • Réassurance
  • Systèmes d'information dans le secteur des assurances/ Maîtrise des risques et politiques de régulation
  • Risks in banking
  • Contrat d'assurance vie
  • Underwriting strategy

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The program consists of 388 hours of instruction, spread out over the six months before the internship.
It features a number of excellent courses that introduce students to all aspects of risk prevention, control, modeling, financing, and management. It offers students a complete education in the main domains of insurance and finance.
Several courses are taught in English (International Asset Management, Underwriting and Financial Risks in the USA, Risks in banking).

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students must undertake an internship of between four and six months' duration.
It must be related to the themes of insurance and risk management and can take place in France or abroad.
The most recent cohorts have seen an increase in the number of employment opportunities related toBig Data (particularly at Axa and some brokers such as Willis). Large legal firms also frequently hire program graduates.