Program Year



  • Analyse crédit patrimonial
  • Communication  2 et Approche  patrimoniale globale
  • Droit des assurances 
  • Etude de cas en Gestion de Patrimoine 
  • Sociétés civiles
  • Etude de cas en Gestion de Patrimoine : interactions civiles et fiscales
  • Finance internationale
  • Droit des sociétés
  • Culture générale
  • Anglais TOEIC / Anglais avancé
  • Examens

Bloc Optionnel : Choisir entre "Apprentissage" ou "Mémoire"

  • Stage / Rapport de stage
  • Apprentissage / Livret d'apprentissage

Academic Training Year 2024 - 2025 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The first year of the Master's in Asset Management is divided into two semesters from September to April, with courses taking place on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Most students in the Asset Management Master's program have apprenticeship or professionalization contracts. Therefore courses are held just two days a week, on Mondays and Tuesdays, freeing students to go to their workplace on the other week days between October and April. During the rest of the year, they are full-time at the workplace. By taking the apprenticeship track, students gain in-depth, concrete professional experience.

The curriculum consists of required courses and electives. Most of the courses, such as those on heritage legislation, finance, and commercial techniques, make up the core curriculum. The program's pedagogical approach is a tripartite one, combining a focus on law and taxation, finance and economics, and subjects gathered under the rubric “tools,” the aim of which is to provide concrete, professionally actionable training in the approaches and methods needed by any asset management consultant (including case studies, behavioral topics including theatre and cultural activities attended by wealth and asset management clientele, languages, and wealth management software).
About 40% of the curriculum is dedicated to law and taxation and another 40% to finance and economics.
There is a significant difference between the first and second years of the Master's program: in the first year, there is greater emphasis on foundational courses taught by permanent faculty, and in the second year, courses prepare students to enter the job market and are taught by visiting professionals.