Analyzing and Supporting the Emergence of New Economic and Organizational Models
The current digital transformation is transforming the methods of value creation; this is now predicated on a solid mastery of network effects, appropriate data governance (collection, storage, and processing), and the customer's "work" (as they evaluate, comment on, or even produce part of the service).

Business models
Sector-level transformations
Business ecosystems
Digital platforms
New market relationships
Our Research in the University's Labs
These changes are the subject of an emerging literature on platform dynamics, which broadens the existing literature on two-sided markets. More generally, the research on business models is gradually incorporating these new drivers.
Our Researchers
Albéric Tellier, Henri Isaac, Hervé Alexandre
Published Research
- Caccinelli C., Toledano J. (2018), Assessing Anticompetitive Practices in Two-Sided Markets : The Booking. com Cases. Journal of Competition Law & Economics, 14(2), 193-234.
- Isaac H. (2019), Logistique et plateformes numériques : vers un Internet physique des marchandises. Annales des Mines - Enjeux Numériques.
- Isaac H. (2018), La donnée numérique, bien public ou instrument de profit. Pouvoirs (1), 75-86.
- Malherbe M., Tellier A. (2018), Quand le non-alignement stratégique contraint la formation d'un écosystème d’affaires : le cas des services mobiles sans contact. Actes de la XXVIIe Conférence Internationale de Management Stratégique.
- Berland N., Moinard C. (2020), Intelligence artificielle et contrôle de gestion : un rapport aux chiffres revisité et des enjeux organisationnels, Annales des Mines - Enjeux Numériques, n°12, p. 44-50
- Isaac H. (2020), Stratégie & Intelligence artificielle, Annales des Mines - Enjeux Numériques, n°12, p. 23-30
- Isaac H. (2021), Numérique et confiance, Annales des Mines - Enjeux Numériques, n°13, p. 12-16