What is a "good" decision?
The digital transformations of societies and work present new ethical challenges for groups, particularly businesses.
The ability to collect and process massive volumes of data on the full range of human activities has the potential to profoundly alter the way organizations make decisions. The consequences for a set of stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers, and partners) remain unknown.
Beyond technical issues and on matters related to their regulation, these new decision-making technologies raise new ethical and political questions for managers and entrepreneurs.

Workplace quality of life
Our Research in the University's Labs
The digital transformation of organizations certainly has an impact on employees' wellbeing and occupational health, as well as on political dynamics.
Free of a deterministic approach, several research programs were created to study the undesirable effects of information technology (the "dark side of IT"), particularly the reinforcement of individuals' control, the link between work automation and alienation, and the issues of over-connection and information overload.
Our Researchers
Sophie Bernard, Nicolas Berland, Pierre Laniray, Henri Isaac, Thierry Kirat
Published Research
- Ciampi C., Berland N. (2019) Usages des technologies et dissolution du contrôle social : cas de l’appropriation d’une base de données à visée collaborative. Revue internationale de psychosociologie et de gestion des comportements organisationnels, 25(61), 25-59.
- Laniray P. (2020). Faut-il vraiment déconnecter ? Enjeux autour de la mise en œuvre du droit à la déconnexion. in L'Etat du Management 2020, Dauphine Recherches en Management, La Découverte.
- Leclercq-Vandelannoitte A., Isaac H., Kalika M. (2014). Mobile information systems and organisational control : beyond the panopticon metaphor ? European Journal of Information Systems, 23(5), 543-557.
- Leclercq-Vandelannoitte A., Isaac H. (2013). Technologies de l'information, contrôle et panoptique : Pour une approche deleuzienne. Systemes d'information management, 18(2), 9-36. ISO 690
- Isaac H., Campoy E., Kalika M. (2007). Surcharge informationnelle, urgence et TIC. L'effet temporel des technologies de l'information. Management & Avenir, (3), 149-168.