Women in scientific careers: facts and levers

The Women and Science Chair at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL is organising its 2024 scientific meeting on the theme of Women in scientific careers: facts and levers.
The conference will mark the 5th year of the Chair. Its purpose is to present an overview of the determinants of the lower presence of women in scientific fields and careers, while highlighting the issues addressed (stereotypes, gender inequalities, gender bias) at the level of research projects carried out by the Chair's team or supported by the Chair. The chair supports 25 projects all over the world in more than 15 countries.
The meeting will be held on 24 January 2024 at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL
Learn more about the Dauphine Women & Science Chair
The programme will be packed with contributions from leading researchers and heads of academic and non-academic institutions, focusing on the determinants, obstacles and challenges involved in getting more women into scientific studies and careers.
Download the full program
Determinants of the lower presence of girls in the scientific studies
9:00 - Girls do the Maths: a sociological survey on high school girls
Clémence Perronnet, Associate professor of sociology, (LIRFE, UCO), Université Catholique de l’ouest
9:30 - Career aspirations of male and female students studying Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects in a Ghanaian University
Charlotte Wrigley-Asante, Professor, Geography and Resource Development, University of Ghana
10:00 - Do Women Overprepare? An Experimental Analysis
Christiane Schwieren, Professor of Organizational Behavior, Alfred Weber Institute of Economics (AWI), University of Heidelberg (UHD), Germany
10:30 - Welcome speech
Elyès Jouini, Professor of mathematics and economics, Paris Dauphine-PSL University, Director of the Women and Science chair
10:40 - Coffee break
11:10 - Between the humanities and sciences - about different understandings of gender inequality
Grażyna Gajewska, Professor, The Institute of Film, Media and Audiovisual Art; Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
11:40 - Investigating Gender’s Effects in Medical Residency Selection in the United State
Charlotte S. Alexander, Professor of Law and Ethics, Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
12:10 - Lunch
Women in scientific careers
1:30 - Has distance learning during lockdown allowed for more gender equality in digital education? (COViQUITY)
Giorgia Magni, PhD candidate in Education and Gender Studies, Department of Education, University of Geneva, Switzerland
2:00 - Stars have no gender: female inventors and teams
Federico Caviggioli, Associate Professor, Industrial and management engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
2:30 - Unraveling the Roots of Gender Inequality in STEM
Elvira Sojli, Associate professor, banking and finance, University of New South Wales , Australia
3:00 - Coffee break
3:30 - Women Inventors
Agata Maida, Professor, Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Method, University of Milan, Italy
4:00 - Networks and Power: Gender Effects of Random Selection Into an Administrative Elite
Alessandra Alloca, Assistant Professor of Economics, Lüdwig-Maximilians-University, in Munich (LMU), Germany
6:30 - Closing conference: Femmes, Sciences et Technologies: Comprendre et agir
This conference closes this scientific day. Program and registration
Useful Information
Date :
Wednesday 24 January 2024
from 9:00 am to 8:30 pm
Location : Université Paris Dauphine-PSL
- Seminar Gender, Behavior and Decision-Making with Anne Boring
- Exposition | Lumière sur les femmes