Equality, Diversity, Social Policies

Our ambitions

Our achievements

78,8 points

out of a maximum of 100 in the gender equality index (for 2022). Target for public companies: 75/100.

45,6 points

out of a maximum of 48. Full-time equivalent gender pay gap for civil servants, at equivalent grade and rank.

31,2 points

out of a maximum of 32. Full-time equivalent gender pay gap for contract agents, at equivalent hierarchical category.

2 points

out of a maximum of 20. Number of public agents of the under-represented sex among the ten public agents with the highest pay. (1) According to the decree, the number of points is a function of the result obtained: 1=2pts; 2=4pts; 3=8pts; 4=16pts; 5=20 pts; 6=16pts; etc.

The Equal Opportunity

Key Figures for 2021


partner high schools and 700 high school students benefit from extra tutoring courses

10 %

of first-year students admitted from the Equal Opportunity Program


students admitted to Dauphine since 2009


volunteer sponsors

10 years of the Equal Opportunity Program

The watchdog unit

A proactive student aid policy

"D.PASSE", a student listening
and support program

Support for students with disabilities

The Approach
Quality of Life at Work

A Commitment to HRS4R