A measure dedicated to students in exile,
regardless of nationality or status
Starting in 2022, Université Paris Dauphine – PSL rolled out an ambitious support program for students from Ukraine and other countries. Over 70 students have been admitted, either in the Licence-Master-Doctorate (LMD) programs, or in the two “DU Passerelle" programs offered by the University.
In an increasingly uncertain international context, the governance of Université Paris Dauphine – PSL wants to step up its involvement and commit to enhancing community solidarity and to carrying out its mission of public service by promoting the republican values of being open and welcoming, integrating other parts of the wider community, and disseminating knowledge. With this aim in mind, the University will be rolling out its “Support program for students in exile” in the fall of 2024, open to all regardless of nationality or status. <o:p></o:p>
Programs adapted according
to your level of French proficiency
The information below relates to students who have been forced to flee their country and wish to continue their studies in France. Depending on your level of fluency in French, and after examination of your application, Université Paris Dauphine – PSL may admit you as part of its Support program for students in exile, open to all regardless of nationality or status.
Your level of French is below B2

DU Passerelle
Learn French until you achieve the level required to enroll in higher education (B2 for Undergraduate studies, C1 for Master’s programs).
The DU Passerelle, a program especially for non francophone students in exile wishing to resume their studies in France, enables them to make progress in French, acquire college-level working methods and receive support in establishing their academic plans.
Your level of French is at or above B2

Licence-Master-Doctorate programs
You wish to resume your studies in Undergraduate, Master’s or PhD Programs in one of the areas offered by Université Paris Dauphine – PSL.
The University has introduced a special admissions procedure for students in exile (with adjusted selection criteria), valid for all of its programs.
Admitted students will be given comprehensive support throughout their studies at Dauphine, to ensure that their time here is spent in the best possible conditions.