Dupraz Yannick

CNRS Researcher


I am a Research Assistant Professor (Chargé de Recherche) at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) based at Paris Dauphine University. I am also a CAGE Research Associate and an Associated Researcher at INED

My research interests are economic history and development economics. My research focuses on understanding the long-run processes of economic development, cultural and political change. I am more specifically interested in education policies, nation and state building in developing countries, especially in Africa. I am also interested in social mobility and internal migration. My work often involves the creation of novel large datasets from historical archives or the precise geolocation of administrative data, and the study of historical shocks or "natural experiments". 



André P., DUPRAZ Y. (2023), Education and Polygamy: Evidence from Cameroon, Journal of Development Economics, vol. 162, p. 1-20

Bekkouche Y., DUPRAZ Y. (2023), Colonial Origins and Quality of Education: Evidence from Cameroon, World Development, vol. 170, p. 1-21

Cogneau D., DUPRAZ Y., Mesplé-Somps S. (2021), Fiscal Capacity and Dualism in Colonial States: The French Empire 1830-1962, The Journal of Economic History, vol. 81, n°2, p. 441-480

DUPRAZ Y. (2019), French and British Colonial Legacies in Education: Evidence from the Partition of Cameroon, The Journal of Economic History, vol. 79, n°3, p. 628-668

Cogneau D., DUPRAZ Y. (2015), Institutions historiques et développement économique en Afrique. Une revue sélective et critique de travaux récents, Histoire et mesure, vol. 30, n°1, p. 103-134

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