Enseignements obligatoires 1er semestre

  • Microéconomie financière statique
  • Théorie de la croissance 1
  • Statistiques et probabilités
  • Mathématiques : optimisation
  • Comptabilité financière
  • Fonctionnement des marchés financiers
  • Fixed-income Products and Markets
  • Python
  • Techniques de communication
  • Communication professionnelle en anglais
  • Atelier CV et Simulation entretiens avec partenaires

Enseignements obligatoires 2ème semestre

  • Excel et VBA
  • Gestion obligataire sous Bloomberg
  • Financement de l'économie
  • Evaluation d'actif et gestion de portefeuilles
  • Gestion financière
  • Microéconomie financière dynamique
  • Théorie de la décision en incertain
  • Théorie et pratique de l'économétrie
  • Excel et VBA, e-learning
  • Communication professionnelle en anglais
  • ESG Fondamentaux scientifiques et réglementaires
  • Théorie de la croissance 2
  • Droit des sociétés
  • Cycle de conférences professionnelles avec partenaires
  • Bloomberg (certificat BMC et Initiation)

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The third year of the Bachelor’s degree in Banking, Finance, and Insurance (Magistère) shares the same core courses and constitutes the first year of the Magistère in Banking, Finance and Insurance (BFA). The program’s courses are organized into three main subject areas: Economics, Finance, Quantitative Techniques and Programming Languages. In addition to gaining expertise in these areas, students are educated in Law, Accounting, Taxation, Mathematics and Statistics, Foreign Languages (particularly English), and Communication. Classes begin at the end of August and end at the end of April.

The program places particular emphasis on project-based learning, and projects offer teaching faculty the opportunity to develop innovative pedagogical methods through the use of emerging technologies. Project work also allows students the opportunity to apply their knowledge to case studies and learn how to work as part of a team.

Quantitative methods courses and computer science courses lend themselves to individual or group project work.

Students have access to a room equipped with Bloomberg terminals where they can obtain any data they might require for their projects.
Bloomberg is a modular pedagogical tool with core functionality (Economic and financial information, real-time market data by asset class - stock market index, government bonds, Forex, Swaps), and advanced functionality (economic analysis, macro database, bond markets (YAS), Pricing swaps (SWPM). Various Bloomberg simulation games. One of the games students tackle in the third year of the Bachelor’s degree entails playing the role of a Fixed Income portfolio manager. Their grade depends not only on how well their portfolio performs but also the amount of risk incurred and their ability to justify their investment strategy.

Students participate in another hallmark project in their Communication Techniques course. The following year, students are ready to get involved in a theatrical product ion under the direction of Antoine Herbez, an actor trained at the Conservatoire National Supérieure d’Art Dramatique de Paris and the director and artistic director of Compagnie Ah!.
This project allows them to develop their public speaking skills as well as giving them the opportunity to learn how to improvise, work together on a group project, and take part in an artistic performance.

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students in the third year of the Bachelor’s program usually complete a three-month internship.
To help them prepare for their internship interviews, students do mock interviews with the HR team of one of the program’s partners, the fintech company Invivoo. These mock interviews help prepare them for the interview experience and help them learn to highlight their strengths, present themselves in the best possible light, and understand expected interview behavior.

Students also take courses offered by AlumnEye to prepare them for the tailored summer internship and graduate program recruitment processes of British banks.