
UE Obligatoires S5

  • Intégrale de Lebesgue et probabilités
  • Calcul différentiel et équations différentielles

UE de majeure S5

  • Statistical modelling
  • Anglais 5

UE Optionnelles S5

  • Algèbre et géométrie
  • Algorithmes dans les graphes
  • Mécanique quantique
  • Microéconomie : concurrence imparfaite

UE Obligatoires S6

  • Statistique mathématique
  • Analyse fonctionnelle et analyse hilbertienne
  • Calcul différentiel et optimisation numérique

UE de majeure S6

  • Anglais 6
  • Machine learning
  • Programmation linéaire

UE Optionnelles S6

  • Analyse complexe
  • Économie dans l’incertain
  • Introduction aux équations aux dérivées partielles
  • Produits dérivés et gestion des risques
  • Théorie des jeux

UE Optionnelles

  • Allemand 5&6
  • Espagnol 5&6
  • Sport 5&6

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The course starts in the last week of August, and attendance is mandatory. The third year of the Bachelor's degree Mathematics and Computer Science major is open by right to students who have completed the Mathematics and Computer Science course in the second year of the Bachelor's degree MIDO.
Applied Mathematics courses are organized into semesters 5 and 6. Each semester is made up of a core block, complementary teaching units (UE) and optional UEs. Each fundamental block is made up of several UEs. Each UE is associated with a certain number of European credits (ECTS); each semester is associated with the sum of the ECTS associated with the UEs making up the semester.
Students receive an evaluation guide at the start of the academic year.

Internships and Supervised Projects

Internship not required.
The internship is closely related to the student’s studies and to their personal and professional goals. It is a highly recommended element of the curriculum.