Accounting, Control, and Auditing (CCA) - Bachelor's Year 3


Tronc commun

  • Droit fiscal I
  • Droit économique
  • Analyse financière
  • Comptabilité et information financière
  • Contrôle et pilotage des organisations
  • Droit du travail
  • Management Scientifique et Aide à la Décision
  • Anglais
  • Mathématiques financières

Tronc commun

  • Management des systèmes d'information
  • Droit fiscal II
  • Droit du travail
  • Anglais
  • Comptabilité internationale
  • Comptabilité approfondie
  • Droit des sociétés
  • Comportement professionnel

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The program is two semesters long and is worth 60 ECTS credits. In order to pass the year, students must pass all courses taken with an average grade (after any rounding) of at least 10/20.

Some of the first-semester courses, which take place from September to December, are shared with the third year of the Bachelor’s degree in Management and Organizational Management.
Courses in the second semester, which takes place from January to May, are specific to this program.

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students are required to complete an internship of at least eight weeks duration after the second semester (between May and August). The internship may take place abroad.