Double Bachelor's degree in Artificial Intelligence and Organizational Sciences - Bachelor’s Year 1

Program Year

Bloc Fondements en Mathématiques et en Informatique 1

  • Pré-rentrée : calcul
  • Pré-rentrée : raisonnement
  • Algèbre linéaire 1
  • Algorithmique et programmation 1
  • Analyse 1

Bloc Fondements en Sciences des Organisations 1

  • Macroéconomie
  • Microéconomie
  • Introduction à la gestion
  • Comptabilité financière
  • Culture économique

Bloc complémentaire 1

  • Histoire et enjeux de l'IA
  • Anglais 1
  • Enjeux écologiques du 21ème siècle

Bloc Fondements en Mathématiques et en Informatique 2

  • Algèbre linéaire 2
  • Algorithmique et programmation 2
  • Analyse 2
  • Introduction aux bases de données

Bloc Fondements en Sciences des Organisations 2

  • Macroéconomie 2
  • Microéconomie 2
  • Introduction à la gestion
  • Comptabilité financière
  • Introduction au droit public et privé

Bloc complémentaire 2

  • Conférences : grands témoins
  • Anglais 2
  • Projet Données

Academic Training Year 2024 - 2025 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The three multidisciplinary years are shared by all students enrolled in the dual Bachelor's Degree. Students attend group classes for a large part of the program and also receive close pedagogical follow-up.

The curriculum includes fundamental courses from the Bachelor's degree in Organizational Sciences and the Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Computer Science, and also includes new, dedicated courses. The dual skills conferred by this double degree require a solid mastery of the foundational computer science and math used in artificial intelligence technologies, as well as a detailed understanding of their societal and managerial impact.

The new courses teach students to :

  • Manipulate data and algorithms;
  • Understand the constitution and significance of data;
  • Assess the issues and impacts of data from an ethical, societal and regulatory standpoint.

Internships and Supervised Projects

For each of the three years of the curriculum, one block week will be dedicated to interdisciplinary, group-based tutored projects, enabling students to familiarize themselves with the handling of real data.   These skills will also be put into practice during the compulsory internship required to validate the Double Licence. This 5-week work experience between L1 and L2 is essential to validate the second semester of L2.