Preparation for Civil-Service Entrance Exams (PCA) – Admission

Students have two options:

  • Register only for the PCA (pool of courses that students can choose from based on their testing strategy; open selection, no attendance requirement); please note: access to the PCA is selective (written test + motivation interview).
  • Register for the PCA and the 2nd year of the Master's in Public Service Careers and National Exams (the courses for this program are the same as the preparatory courses; there is an attendance requirement and various electives for both semesters, as with any other Master's program). Before enrolling in the Master's program, you must have:
    • been approved for the PCA
    • paid the relevant fees for the PCA (in addition to the registration fees for the Master's program)

Who can apply?

How do you apply?

When to apply?


Apply on MyCandidature

Université Paris Dauphine | PSL

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