
Pré-rentrée - optionnel

Module FINANCE : Finance de Marché

  • Instruments financiers/dérivés : forex, taux, matière première, CAT bonds
  • Evaluation des actifs financiers en temps continu

Module FINANCE : Finance d'entreprise

Module FINANCE : Risques


  • Fiscalité des sociétés et Droit du contentieux fiscal
  • VBA approfondi G1 et G2
  • Microéconomie de l'assurance


  • Projet Python


  • Langue - Anglais des Affaires
  • Langue - Allemand
  • Langue - Espagnol

Module : Banque et Finance

  • Simulation de gestion de portefeuille sous Bloomberg - G1 et G2
  • Modélisation et gestion des marchés d'options
  • Analyse financière approfondie
  • Gestion des risques

Au choix une des 2 options suivantes :


  • Macroéconomie (Indicateurs avancés de la conjoncture)
  • Econométrie des séries temporelles
  • Microéconomie (Théorie des jeux et Microéconomie de l’entreprise)



  • Langue - Anglais des affaires
  • Éthique et responsabilité sociale des marchés et des organisations
  • Responsabilité sociale et éducation financière
  • Sport

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The first year of the Master's degree in Economics and Finance: Banking, Finance, and Insurance is divided into two semesters in the period between the end of August and the end of April. Over the course of the year, there are two study trips to London and New-York (in September and March), a ski study trip in December, and various professional networking events such as cocktails, masterclasses, the annual conference during the House of Finance Days, case studies, an enterprise forum, afterworks, etc.

The theoretical underpinnings of economics (macroeconomics, game theory, taxation, insurance theory) are enhanced with specialized courses in finance (e.g. in financial analysis, financial asset evaluation, risk management, LBO case studies) and practicums in IT tools such as advanced VBA, Java, and Bloomberg. Theatre courses help students become more confident when they speak and develop their public speaking skills. Many options are available to students, including MOOCs or additional foreign language courses.

If students pass the first year of the Master's in Economics and Finance - Magistère BFA track (the second year of the Magistère) they can continue on to the second year of the same track in the Master's program without having to reapply.

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students in initial training must complete a professional internship at least three months after completing the first year of the Master's program. They can fulfill this requirement by taking a gap year between the two years of the Master's program. Some students choose to do international spring or summer internships, usually in London but also in other European countries or in Asia.

Over the course of the year, students take part in a “Serious Game” portfolio management competition in the Bloomberg room. They have to defend their investment choices in front of a professor.