

  • Economie des politiques de santé
  • Market access et life cycle mamagement
  • Prérequis : Economie générale
  • Econométrie appliquée à la santé
  • Économie industrielle des produits de santé
  • Atelier modélisation médico-économique
  • Communication and Presentations : skills and strategies
  • Pricing
  • Methods for Health Economic Evaluation
  • Santé et épidémiologie: Concepts, modélisation et mesure d'impact.
  • Evaluation économique du médicament – mise en application


  • Microéconomie de la santé
  • Cycle de conférences : problèmes d'actualité en santé
  • Systèmes de santé et régulation de l’accès au marché
  • Rapport de stage ou livret d'apprentissage
  • Mémoire
  • Communication and Presentations : skills and strategies
  • Synthèse des évidences
  • Big health data and Introduction to Data Science with R
  • Master Thesis Workshop

Academic Training Year 2025 - 2026 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

The program consists of around 400 hours of instruction, spread out between the end of September and mid-June.

The program follows a weekly apprenticeship schedule as follows:

  • Monday and Tuesday: classes on campus
  • Monday to Wednesday: full-time at the workplace
  • One Wednesday per month: courses on campus

This schedule suits all students, no matter their chosen program: students in initial training are required to do an internship equivalent to three months full-time work during the rest of the week or over the university holidays; students in the apprenticeship program spend certain days every week at their host company over the course of the whole year; continuing education students can complete the curriculum in two years, spending just one day a week in class.
Theses and work experience reports are due in mid-September of the N+1 academic year.

The thesis occupies an important place in the program's pedagogical plan. It is an opportunity for students to apply what they have learned in their courses to an original argument. Over the course of the academic year, there are specific sessions focused on introducing students to the thesis methodology and to faculty expectations. These workshops also help students define their topic. All students are thereafter supervised by a thesis director chosen from the instructional team for their specific subject expertise. This personalized mentoring will help the student decide on their topic, develop an outline, prepare the bibliography, and even get the data necessary to do the research.

Mandatory English instruction is provided throughout the academic year in the form of one course per semester. Its goal is to increase professional English proficiency and to provide students with the basics of specialized health sector English vocabulary.

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students in the initial training program must complete a full-time internship of at least three month's duration following the same schedule as the work-study program and produce an internship report.

The internship must be related to the material covered in the program, but can be taken at any kind of organization, such as a pharmaceutical or medical device manufacturer, a consultancy, a public institution, etc.) Students are free to look for an internship by themselves or to take advantage of the internship offers sent to the program by various interested companies.

For pharmacy or public health residents, the residency replaces the student internship.