Program Year

Optionnel - 30 ECTS à choisir

  • Development microeconomics
  • Concepts et outils d'analyse de la pauvreté et des inégalités
  • Négociation et coopération: les apports de la théorie des jeux
  • Politique économique
  • Microéconométrie du développement
  • Globalization of firms : Theory and Applications
  • Macroéconomie du développement
  • Introduction à l'économétrie et à la programmation
  • Cours et exercices d'économétrie appliquée à partir du logiciel STATA
  • Quantitative International Economics
  • Conférence cycle : International Organizations & Job Market Information
  • Environement and sustainability
  • Infrastructure et secteur financier
  • Research Topics
  • Machine Learning
  • Advanced Microeconometrics
  • Causal Machine Learning


  • Mémoire de recherche
  • Projet de thèse ou projet d'études ou rapport de stage
  • Suivi des travaux de recherche


  • Evaluation d'impact des politiques sociales: les expérimentations randomisées en pratique
  • Urban and Regional Economics
  • Lire, comprendre et commenter les travaux des autres : Commerce et développement dans une perspective historique
  • Démographie et développement
  • Contemporary Readings in Development Economics
  • Economie des migrations internationales
  • Relations économiques internationales
  • Techniques d'enquêtes : théorie et applications

Academic Training Year 2024 - 2025 - subject to modification

Teaching Modalities

This track consists of 355 hours of classes taken between the months of September and June. These theoretical courses are taken during the first semester (S3).

The seminars (which take place between October and February), thesis, internship report, and thesis project or research project are undertaken in the second semester (S4).

Students must write and defend a major thesis under the direction of a professor or researcher.

Students are advised to pursue a research internship, which they then defend at the same time as the major thesis; a thesis project or research project can be substituted for the internship report.

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students must complete a research internship of 3 to 6 months in a research center at Université Paris Dauphine – PSL (or another institution of higher education), an international organization such as UNESCO, or the World Bank, in an administration such as the Economic Affairs branch of the Banque de France, or in the Economic Mission of an embassy.

It can be conducted under the aegis of the French National Research Agency or a European program. Dauphine-PSL research centers such as LEDa and DIAL may offer internships to certain students.
The internship can serve as research for the major thesis. Indeed, students defend their internship report at the same time as they defend their thesis.