International economic expertise – 211 - Master’s Year 2

Program Objectives

This work-study training aims to prepare students for international economist careers. The track brings together academics and professionals to offer a complete academic cursus with an outlook towards practical skills’acquisition. The graduates are intended for economists' jobs within research offices in banks, consulting firms, governmental and non-governmental organizations, industrial as well as service companies, especially within large international groups.

Program objectives:

  • Gain an in-depth practical and theoretical understanding of international economics, financial macroeconomics, and public policy evaluation.
  • Master the tools of the economist: diagnostic techniques, advanced statistics, macro- and micro-econometrics, nowcasting, forecasting models, public policy evaluation techniques.
  • Use the analytical methods specific to economic diagnostics to create outlook surveys, country risk profiles, medium-term studies, sector analysis, etc. ·
  • Become an expert in the challenges of globalization and its effects on advanced, emerging, and developing countries.
Types of education
Executive Education
Work-based training
French and English
ECTS Credits
60 credits
Optional Internship
No work-based training
Type of Diploma
Diploma from a major institution conferring the Master's degree
Academic Year

The challenges of the ecological and social transition in the Master's degree programs

Several courses and tools are offered to students in the Master’s program, regardless of their specialization



    University Professor

    Program Director


    Associate Professor

    Program Director

  • Romain Gate

    Associate Professor

    Program Director

  • Anne-Isabelle DEUMIER

    Teaching assistant

     Send an email

After Dauphine

Employability Indicators After Graduation - Survey Conducted in Collaboration with CGE

- 1 Month

job hunting's average duration

88,2 %

Professional integration rate


Median salary