English Track in Law - 302 - Master's Year 2

Program Objectives

The English Track in Law is a programme offered at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL which allows law students to follow law courses entirely in English.
Courses are taught by permanent faculty members at Dauphine, as well as visiting & adjunct faculty for more specialised topics.

  • Enable International students to discover & study a civil law system at a leading French university by undertaking courses related to French law taught exclusively in English. Two introductory classes are offered on French Law & Institutions, and European Law & Institutions. Cover modules relate to a variety of Comparative, International and European topics, which are well-adapted to international students;
  • Undertake taught courses given by Dauphine professors and a distinguished international faculty, as well as selected research papers under the guidance of the programme Directors / and associated faculty.
Types of education
Initial training
ECTS Credits
60 credits
Optional Internship
Type of Diploma
Diplôme de grand établissement conférant le grade de Master
Academic Year

The challenges of the ecological and social transition in the Master's degree programs

Several courses and tools are offered to students in the Master’s program, regardless of their specialization


  • Duncan Fairgrieve

    Professor of Law

    Director of the 2nd year of the Master's Degree

  • Delphine Rossignol

    Teaching assistant

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Kenneth Borokhovich

Owner, KKJ Properties LLC

Your path :
Parcours International (English Track in Law)

Clare Shin

Law Clerk, Peiffer Wolf Carr Kane & Conway

Your path :
Parcours International (English Track in Law)