Mathematics and Applied Mathematics - Master’s Year 1

Who can apply?

  • Acquire solid knowledge of Applied Mathematics (probability and statistics, optimization and digital analysis).
  • Learn about developments in Mathematics and tackle open questions and current issues.
  • Develop our students’ skills by consolidating their knowledge of the theoretical and practical foundations of analysis (functional analysis, numerical calculation, etc.)
  • Prepare students to study other disciplines (such as Finance and Actuarial Science).

How to apply?

There are 3 steps to submit your application:

  • Consult the application procedure and timetable
  • Complete and submit your application on Mon Master or Mycandidature(for international students)
  • Possibility of interview with eligible candidates, followed by admission decision

  Find all the information on the application page.

When to apply?


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Université Paris Dauphine | PSL

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