Program Year
Obligatoires - 27 ECTS
- Repenser l'entreprise : frontières et missions
Repenser l'entreprise : frontières et missions
Ects : 3
Lecturer :
Overview :
- Thème 1 : Définition(s) de l'entreprise dans l'histoire de la pensée en sciences sociales. - Thème 2 : Approche sociologique du concept de RSE. - Thème 3 : Les instruments de la responsabilisation des entreprises. - Thème 4 : Vers une redéfinition de l'entreprise ? - Thème 5 : Ré-encastrer la notion d'entreprise dans l'histoire de la pensée en économie, sociologie et sciences de gestion.
- Objectif 1: Examiner la naissance de la notion de RSE et ses évolutions. - Objectif 2 : Comprendre l'articulation entre les instruments publics et privés de régulation. - Objectif 3 : Connaître les grands débats sur la place des entreprises dans le monde contemporain.
Coefficient : 3
Learning outcomes :
- Compétence 1 : Pouvoir décrire et analyser les débats autour des nouvelles responsabilités de l'entreprise. - Compétence 2 : Se repérer dans la littérature sociologique sur ces enjeux et mobiliser ses concepts pour construire une analyse. - Compétence 3 : Mobiliser des enquêtes empiriques et des concepts théoriques. - Compétence 4 : Rédiger un dossier d'approfondissement.
Optionnels - 3 ECTS
Majeure Politiques d'entreprises - Obligatoire - 18 ECTS
- Finance durable
Finance durable
Ects : 3
Lecturer :
Coefficient : 1
Majeure Economie Sociale et Solidaire - Obligatoire - 18 ECTS
Obligatoire - 12 ECTS
Academic Training Year 2024 - 2025 - subject to modification
Teaching Modalities
The program consists of 309 hours of instruction, spread out between September and the end of February. The curriculum is focused on a large common core, divided into three areas: Fundamentals, Methodology, and Professionalization.
In addition to the content covered in the common core, students select one of the two following areas as a Major: Corporate Economics, Social Economy
At the end of the internship, students must write an internship or research thesis and defend it in front of a review panel.
Internships and Supervised Projects
Students must complete an internship of least four months' duration and/or define a research problem that will help them with their professional development (in the world of work or in research) and improve their interpersonal skills (through discussions with colleagues and/or their thesis director) and their public speaking skills (by defending their thesis in front of a review panel).
The internship thesis will take the following themes as a framework:
- Theme 1 – Employer types: multinational organizations, credit rating firms, auditing firms, trade unions, NGOs, social economy organizations, research firms, etc.
- Theme 2 – Job responsibilities: CSR or sustainable development project management, social and environmental impact assessment, HR development, responsible and/or environmental lobbying, social economics.
- Theme 3 – Tools of analysis: sociology of work and organizations, economic sociology, sociology of risk, etc.
Research-driven Programs
Training courses are developed in close collaboration with Dauphine's world-class research programs, which ensure high standards and innovation.
Research is organized around 6 disciplines all centered on the sciences of organizations and decision making.
Learn more about research at Dauphine