Who can apply?

  • Admission by right for students who have completed the Bachelor Mathematics and Economics at Dauphine at Dauphine.
  • Holders of a BAC+2 diploma (120 ECTS credits) or equivalent (DUT, BTS) from Dauphine, a university or other French or European higher education institution in the sciences.
  • Students from scientific or economic preparatory classes.

How to apply?

For Dauphine studentswho have completed the 2nd year of the Bachelor Mathematics-Economy :

  • the procedure is carried out internally following the jury.

  For external candidates:

  • by submitting an application on the MyCandidature platform.
  • or (and not exclusively), by applying via the BECEAS (Banque d'Epreuves des Concours des Ecoles d'Actuariat et Statistiques). Oral examinations will take place on Monday June 17 and Tuesday June 18, 2024, for the start of the 2024-2025 academic year.

When to apply?


Apply on MyCandidature.fr

Université Paris Dauphine | PSL

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